Well? What do you think? If the New World hope no longer existed, would everyone leave? Would some stay? Why? What do you think the reaction of the dubs would be if the new light was no Armaggedon and no "New System"?
Are JW's only in it for the New System?
by In_between_days 56 Replies latest jw friends
It would be over in a heartbeat if there were no golden ticket.
Ask a JW why they serve Jehovah and they'll tell you "because I want to live forever." If that an incentive, I don't know what is.
: Are JW's only in it for the New System?
The question should be rhetorical because the evidence is so overwhelmingly "yes" that's it's almost stupid to discuss it.
Dubs in general do NOT love people. In general they "despise" people and they despise themselves. They were trained to be that way by their Brooklyn masters. They are not in the least motivated by any "love" to sell books and recruit new members. They are motivated by fear and greed. Brooklyn has motivated them using fear and greed. Fear of God killing them or the religion shunning them for not following the party line. Greed by telling them they will have all the spoils of war from Armageddon, houses, fancy cars, jewels, and eternal life with perfect health.
It's a CULT, stupid!
What about the "Sweet fellowship"??
Yep, looking forward to the end of the world is a 'hobby' for most dub's I've been so blessed to have met and grown to hate.
Wow! It has been so long since I have heard anyone say the "new system of things" (that is a GOOD thing ). I think if you asked an active JW, they would say that their primary incentive for worshipping Jehovah is their love for Him and all that he has provided...BUT in all honesty, I don't think very many people would devote their lives to such an extreme religion without an extreme reward.
I'm already out. This revelation would already justify it.
Hi there In_between_days
Good question btw...despite what Farkel says
You will hear dubs say that they are in the 'troof' because of their wholesome fear of displeasing the almighty Yahweh! But in reality...they are in it for their lust for immortality and eternal youth and beauty....in addition to some of the other benefits such as good health, no crime, seeing dead loved ones blah blah blah. What they say, and what they mean, are two different things.
You take away the carrot and the donkey ain't goin' nowhere sista!!
On the other hand...you have a lot of dubs who are in it for other reasons. My grandmother for example, she initially took up the 'troof' because of the talk 'millions now living will never die' and 'you may never grow old'. These talks appealed to her vanity and desire for longevity. She is now 80plus years old...and still waiting. She no longer believes she will outlive this system...but she won't be convinced that perhaps she has been told lies all this time. So she stays in because she is in her 'comfort zone' now. Its better to have SOME hope then no hope. My mother is the same.
I also think there are some out there who are in because of family and friends...they don't want to be shunned and be sent to the island of lepers....if only they knew how cool it is here LOL...you get to hang out with lepers like Farkel and Pope of Euruke et al.
Beck *ringing bell crying 'leper leper'*
ONLY....NO. I know many, many Witnesses that truly believe that the teachings of the JW's are correct. If they were told new light that, indeed, more than 144000 will be going to heaven after all, and that they may not all be living in the new system, but elsewhere, they would accept it. Most Witnesses do not "despise" people.I know of no Witnesses that sell books today either.