“The most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful being.” (Principia Mathematica, Sir Isac Newton). Like Newton there are many scientists who see evidence for the existence of a Supreme Organizer. Whether such ones are a minority or materialists are a majority matters not.
Problem is that people often look for high-profile reasoning for the existence of God. I have found proof for the existence of a Supreme Organizer in simple things. It is observed that there are some plants that wilt and die if enough care is not given. Dry soils cause plants to wilt. Why even wet soils can also cause plants to wilt. Plants grown in containers that do not have holes in the bottom for drainage, can be overwatered. As a results, roots rot and drown without sufficient oxygen in the soil. Outdoors, heavy rains can drown the roots.… How did such tender ones survive till today? This shows designer is also a Master Care-Giver.
Using symbols of lilies and birds, Jesus describes God as one who looks after everything. He looks after every living creature, and feeds each one according to its time. Here what is being highlighted is that sustenance is real, something we all depend on, which means Sustainer is more real (in much the same as saying if robbery is real, robbers are more real). If each one were taking according to his need (rather than greed), sustenance would have been felt more pronounced and The Sustainer would have received more acceptance!