No problem, sometimes things do get lost in translation. I can sometime be too wordy just to say something simple.. You are so right Jesus could make an appearance and say he never came down in 1918 or 1919 to inspect no religion let alone only JW's...they wouldn't leave....
I'm a believer but not of the God man says he is ....Man has no idea what God is all about...He wants us to take care of one another...if I was a witness when you were a witness what God would have wanted me to do was to be there for you while the friends were not too nice to you.
As you said some JW's think it's God's org., because of the devine name, but they took this name...exactly...it wasn't like God gave them an engagement ring and said take my name...that's what I mean they wear being in God's org., like a badge of honor like a woman who just got a big diamond....and tell the world...she is going to have a huuuuuuuuusband & from now on she will be carrying his name...
I don't allow them to tell me who or who not to talk to....I have been told that when I became a witness I would have to get rid of my worldly friends...I said why and of course they gave me the JW's dribble...I said, well, I don't mean to be rude, but they didn't keep me from becoming a witness so why would you think if I'm still their friend they would take me out..now I'm not saying it couldn't happen but I'm just saying...but what would take me out of the witnesses are witnesses themselves....their mouths were left open...I like to do those type of things...
I hope we talk again....I wish you the best in this life...and don't let anyone steal your joy.