Hi All,
I live in NYC....lately, I've been taking the bus to work...The Bus travels down 5th Avenue...From Central Park all the way downtown to 23rd street....homeless...everywhere...sleeping ON THE BENCHES OUTSIDE OF CENTRAL PARK in the doorways of Fendi, Louis Vitton and ON THE STEPS OF CHURCHES....they are saying...so you won't help the homeless...we'll just be an eye sore...
So all that to say...how many homeless do you think will sleep or beg in front of a kingdom hall...well, first of all most of them have a gate around the bldg. so the homeless can only be outside the gate...don't think the homeless would hang out in front of a kingdom hall...because it's well known....witnesses don't help nobody...
Imagine, it's common knowledge among the homeless...sure our works...they forgot that God gave his son for our sins....it's a gift...and you can't work for it...that's why God says it's faith...works are a result of changing to be a better person...doesn't mean you have to kill yourself for God in the ministry or whatever you think you have to do to earn the sacrifice...Witnesses can't change that's why they work so hard...they only have faith when things are good...oh Jehovah is so good, but let something happen, well, we know Satan is in charge of this system...blah blah...