Friends to the friendless....or Boys & Girls Scouts of the Kingdom (always prepared to preach the kingdom)..
That's all I have for now...But not as good as the other commenters...this is the best site ever...
how about .... the international brotherhood of stupidity.. the righteous zombies club .
Friends to the friendless....or Boys & Girls Scouts of the Kingdom (always prepared to preach the kingdom)..
That's all I have for now...But not as good as the other commenters...this is the best site ever...
this is my first post, i will introduce myself later.
first of all, i must say that english is not my mother tongue (i'm spanish), so excuse me if i make any mistake.. do you think that some people simply can't cope with being outside the jws?
some of them are too worldlyphobic to be around non-jws, too dependent on a fixed set of rules in order to carry on with their lives, too dependent on the hope of paradise and resurrection, too unable to leave their personal comfort zone within the organization.
I was in church & kingdom halls...my take on if they would be better off in either one....Yes...most religious people are a little off...no balance...they feel entering the building makes them a Christian....don't have to do no Christian acts. They need structure otherwise they would fall apart...So, here's my take...would they be better off?
"Just think how bad they would be if they weren't in the hall/churches"....Some folks are so heavenly/paradise bound they are no earthly good.
Just think isn't it good they are contained...there are enough nuts running around...
so here is something i've been wondering about.
how do the 'anointed' come to the conclusion that they are chosen?
is it some weird collective delusion of grandeur and how is it manifested in such ones?.
All I get from this anointed thing is that these folks just decided they aren't going to be with their family in paradise. Actually saying to your spouse well dear, sorry but I got a higher calling so I won't be with you and the family in the future...so let's enjoy each other now...Oh & by the way, if you think you going to marry in the new system...remember I'm watching...LOL...
Everyone feels anointed every once in a while..this warm feeling, a tingling and whatever else they feel they are anointed...good sex makes once feel anointed...just saying...
I've heard it was like oil being poured on your head... you feel your resurrection will be in heaven not like the rest of us who want to come back to earth, but before I became a witness I thought or hoped I'd go to heaven too...what's that about? I'd never earn my wings so I would be on earth most of the time anyway....scared of heights...
The anointed have been appointed already (if this is true) and the JW's ain't apart of them...poor JW's they see themselves all in the bible...everyone be glad Jesus had no kids...if some think they are anointed some of them fools would think they are his seed...
last week i celebrated my birthday.
accepted well wishes from people near and far.
had been happily accepting wishes from people since i quit the cult.. as a jw, (brainwashed ) belief that birthdays are evil was the stupidest belief i had in all my life.. when in, i had a hard time to explain to people that i don’t celebrate birthdays.
Hi Sourgrapes,
What a great comment...so true...guess once the child is here, they are not going to continue to give them gifts...I find some JW's are just plain cheap & the org. fit their way of thinking...because our birthdays are the only days that belong to an individual...all the other holidays are about someone or something else...So if you are cheap and only care about yourself & can swallow a stupid story about not celebrating ones birthday because someone's head was chopped off on their birthday...fiddle sticks... What if on someones wedding day someone was killed & we know this to have happened...many newlyweds die right after the wedding, car accidents, etc, or have been killed on the way to their wedding...folks get killed daily...another stupid reason is that one makes a big deal of their birthday & so that makes them angry because someone else is in the limelight...remember JW's only do things to be seen...I do know this female she goes all out for birthdays...she may not have a lot of money but she finds it when it's time for anyone's birthday...she spends money she don't have...I notice some folks don't have enough money to get them through the month or week or even day, but will spend their last dime on holidays...to me that's not smart...most of the holidays are man made(make you go out and spend money you don't have)...but your birthday is yours..celebrate how you want..
I also liked the other comments....wonder what type of comments you gave as a witness...GREAT, I bet.
moses spoke to the entire assembly deuteronomy 31:3, leviticus19:2 and exodus 16:9 no sound amplification, we must remember he was speaking to 2 million people.
solomon in 2 chronicles spoke to thousands maybe millions, so how the hell did folks a mile away hear..you need a sound system for 200 folks in a close building in the kh.... moses, solomon and others had a great set of vocal cords.....
So True....yes you really have to dig deep to see the love...his loyal love, that is...I agree, when you read the accounts of killings it does make a person say, God did this because he is a loving God...but JW's see the love in it...it's still hard for me, like you the violence overrides the Love....example: When I was studying I asked the sister why does God allow killing of children & women...she says, that if they just killed the men and left the women and children who would take care of them...and if they were into false worship, God had to kill them all to stop the further spreading of false religion or whatever type of way of living God disapproved of....& God had the children killed out of mercy, if only adults were to be killed who would raise the babies and if they were able to grow up they would continue in the same way their parents did...& that God always warned people....So, this is what a witness will tell you...
Witnesses only love conditionally... To be a Christian is to rise above what people think & do what you feel is right for the betterment of humankind....The bible is for those who can't think outside the pages. It's a book of do's and don'ts.... & for people that need a strict structure religion is for them...otherwise they would be twirling on bar stools..religion attracts extremist...they are either very good too good or very bad...
Who knows how they spoke to the masses but somehow they did. But when you write a story you can tell it any way you want...don't have to make no sense...just say God said so.
@James Mixon,
I thought that was a good one as well...all this stuff I write on this forum is stuff that was told to me in the hall, I heard it first hand....it's not my opinion. I know how witnesses answer, no matter what, God is Teflon, he does no wrong, he don't even change his mind...& we know that not to be true, many of us have read, God has changed his mind...but witnesses will never admit it even if the bible says, Jehovah changed his mind...they would re-interpret that....Witnesses don't see God as alive and well...although they say so...
I'm a witness, but I don't fit in...yet they love me and I say things to them that make them think...but I use a lot of honey...
Many of us have to admit, life just don't make no sense....why do folks just randomly kill people & bad things happen to good people and sometimes the bad nothing happens to them...one thing...Life never promised us fair.
I usually leave them with this line...the bible is easy to read...hard to do.
moses spoke to the entire assembly deuteronomy 31:3, leviticus19:2 and exodus 16:9 no sound amplification, we must remember he was speaking to 2 million people.
solomon in 2 chronicles spoke to thousands maybe millions, so how the hell did folks a mile away hear..you need a sound system for 200 folks in a close building in the kh.... moses, solomon and others had a great set of vocal cords.....
I'm going to tell you how a witness would answer that question...1st of all....God/Jehovah can do anything...now I'm a witness but I'm doing better not being around them too much...In reality I encourage them & they do to the meetings, ummm, something ain't right...anyway...this is how a witness would explain it...
Remember when Jesus spoke to the 5,000 not including women and children, now why did they not include the women and children in the entire count....it would have saved on ink...so we see the thinking of that time...so anyway, not saying it's true but once a brother said the reason Jesus pulled out into the water to speak was so everyone could see him and the water helped amplify his voice...you know his voice bounced off the water too reach the crowd....so there you have it..that's how it happened... lol...I think most of these stories have some moral meanings to them as opposed to them being humanly possible..like how can a character die and they write about their death and what happened after their death..you got to hear how witnesses explain that one...spooky bunch...but witnesses need reasons of how & why...They research so much they have lost the message...too much into head knowledge and wanting to site a scripture to think they are smarter....
Many stories in the bible seem a little far fetched...maybe they are just that stories...of good against evil...if you read too much into these stories..we too may be guilty of missing the message of LOVE...
We as humans have to stick together...our government's aren't paying us no mind....both parties are just a bunch of confused cockeroaches...
Well, that's what I think for now...but what I think about how it was done...just a bunch of yelling and shouting....
i was baptized 30 years ago and have been in the faith for over 35 years.. our organization isn't perfect.
but i'm sick to death of seeing stereotypes about us.
we are not mindless automatons.
Maybe in his mind and being a witness for a long time he feels he is a good witness, what's so wrong with smoking a cigar once in a while? Or knowing ttatt...how would that stop him from thinking he isn't a good witness...he is in the in-crowd...and all is well....but as we all know many felt the same as he does because of acceptance, but the minute someone stepped on the toes...ouch...then here we are...saying I've was out of the meetings for x amount of weeks and nobody called me...I said hello to brother or sister so & so but no reply...I haven't been out in service so the friends are not that warm...& tons of other things witnesses show conditional love....but let that same conditional love be turned back to you....again, on this site...It's always the thief that screams the loudest...
Just leave the lad alone...he thinks he is in good standing...let him be...we all know the real deal...but if & when he comes back...just offer him a Band-Aid.
i have friends who are called "worldly people" by jws.
these people are actively involved in feeding the homeless over christmas.
managing thrift shops so they can send financial aid overseas to poorer children.
Look at it this way, if some the witnesses were not in the hall, just think how bad they WOULD BE, if they didn't go. For some this is the best they can do....
Many of them have no love in their heart...only learned love...from the org...& that's conditional love...
Again, they ain't as bad as they could be...the little good they are comes from being in the hall...
They would much rather not take a blood transfusion than help anyone...of all the things in the bible to do, JW's picked the blood issue...
When we see the broadcast of how witnesses help each other, just think if they extended...they have the right idea of helping...but they are too inbred...
We should help each other all the time...not just Xmas...people are in need all year long...& if we all helped one another, we all would move forward...
I live in NYC, folks got $$ here...just the amount of Starbucks folks buy could feed a family...yes there are charities but at the same time, we can start in our neighborhoods. I know folks are skeptical of charities & rightly so but because the money doesn't always go where it's supposed to....just like when the celebrities give but they always have to give a concert or fundraiser...instead of just giving the money, they have to be seen giving the money...the amount of money they spend to put together a concert or dinner to raise money, they could have just sent it...It's the look at me syndrome...Many celebrities and other folks with money have their own planes bring food and other things...but not us humans...we won't do anything unless we are seen or get a pat on the back..not all but some...
JW's have the right idea but they need to ...in their words....WIDEN OUT...
australia's royal commission into child abuse released its full report yesterday, so it was gratifying to see the uk's bbc run this headline on their website this morning (aussie time):.
australia jehovah's witnesses 'did not report 1,000 alleged abusers'.
hopefully, all over the world people will learn the shameful news of what yhwh (as guided by the holy spirit) told his earthly witnesses to do.
You make a great point..."But the point is, that the more publicity there is, the less likely it is that they will convert more suckers to their religion: So true, even if the JW's don't acknowledge it, people who aren't will find out...
When going D2D, someone may just say, don't you people read the paper, don't you know what's going on in your org.
To tell you the truth, I think most know but deny, because there is too much of their pride to swallow...It was at the hall where I heard, if you point a finger at someone how many are pointing back to you ? They have judged other religions and now they are being judged.
Exposure is in the air....nobody is safe....
australia's royal commission into child abuse released its full report yesterday, so it was gratifying to see the uk's bbc run this headline on their website this morning (aussie time):.
australia jehovah's witnesses 'did not report 1,000 alleged abusers'.
hopefully, all over the world people will learn the shameful news of what yhwh (as guided by the holy spirit) told his earthly witnesses to do.
Great coverage, but nothing will happen...There is a couple in my congregation and they know JW's that live in Australia and nothing is said...
Simply amazing....now even the President has been exposed...Seems everyone is being exposed except JW's scandal...it's like a domino ....but by passes JW's....
Even Mormons.....Catholics...
How can this get so much exposure in the big newspapers & not even a rumor...
I wonder why ?