Hi All,
Love all of your comments. I was asking if Jehovah is letting the org. down easy because so many would be hurt mentally, because the org. is all they have. Or should I say what they chose to only have. I have spoken to many of them & don't want to generalize, but I don't think many come from well balanced homes...not that anyone has, but most witnesses have some strange beginnings. Even some that have family in, I've noticed at times they don't even sit next to them at the hall. There are some that are related, & you don't find out until later, from someone else. I come from a pretty good home life...not perfect, but I'm able to cope with life. I once remember on this site a person found out TTATT, & they almost went into a deep depression. It rocked their world. Someone also mentioned here, this subject that other cults have this problem, well how did they find out, word of mouth, the media, but with the org. it seems to be isolated. No one on this side of the world is talking about it...not one peep. I think it's an elephant in the room & folks know, because how can one not know & we have the internet. Another question to all of you...Do you think most know but too shocked & afraid to say anything because they have been pointing fingers at other religions...The word pride comes to mind...& we all know pride comes before the fall, & who was the first to fall because of pride...you got it Satan. The org. is accountable. But I think because they did point fingers, they will stand by their org. no matter what. It's like talking about other people's children & then come to find out that your kids are doing the same thing or even worse. That's a lot of egg on ones face. Being a part of God's org. is a badge of honor for majority of witnesses..they feel special where otherwise they have no power. They feel privy to carry Jehovah's name...no matter if the doctrine does flip flop....They are not there because it's the truth they are there because they feel chosen just like the Jews who they look down because they feel chosen too. I've even heard some say, we are carrying Jehovah's name...just like a female who finally gets married & carries her husbands name...she so proud...the husband could be crazy as a bed bug but she's so happy to have a Huuuus'band...I came in with my eyes wide open & never thought it was God's org. 'Cuz God isn't partial. Why would he look down at Penn. & say, ah, that's them, yep, them the ones I want to carry my name...NOT... Most of them are depressed, have more ailments then one could name....hate to work, complain everything is expensive, yet, most of them own homes & nice cars (well on my side of the world, that is)...They complain that things are expensive just to sound lowly & that they agree with God about how this system is. They have the money to do what they want, but just don't want to tell anyone because they would have to help their fellow man, so might as well cry broke, so they don't have to help anyone. Most know the scriptures but don't apply them...we talk about love all the time & you can see their busy pens writing about love...but you can't write it it's something you have to feel. Many of them didn't come up in a loving home, so they don't have any experience with it. I'm just happy that Jesus didn't have any kids, because more than half of the JW's would say they are his descendants...it would really be a bigger mess. I do like the fact that some of your said....if God was protecting, then why not protect the children....great thought. I was just curious of how some felt about this...I dare not talk to anyone in my hall....so that's why I'm on this site, just so I can vent & see that others see what I see, even more than I see. Even if you are a die hard JW...you have to admit that the brothers should have directed them to the police & you know that....you are saying to wait on God, because you don't want the org. to have to be accountable & hope that's just because it's on the other side of the world it will die down & the org. can go back to business as usual. God doesn't need any of us to carry his name or to sanctify his name...He's God all by himself. He just allows us humans to do something for him to keep us busy otherwise we would get into more trouble. That's why many are JW's if left without field service, meetings, etc, they would get into trouble. I hope we all stay in contact on different subjects. But no matter what...The brothers should have told the police...bottom line. That's the only question that should be answered to the point. Yes or No, & if not...Why?