Having a KH in Israel would be too close to the truth...it would dispel all the FDS class would have to say...Too much real history in Israel...
We would really find out when Babylon was destroyed...
curious , i was thinking about serving where the need is great..that would be a hard sale, that would be like me setting up a lemonade stand at the gate of a kkk rally...
Having a KH in Israel would be too close to the truth...it would dispel all the FDS class would have to say...Too much real history in Israel...
We would really find out when Babylon was destroyed...
hi guys.
sooner or later we're going to get a jw knocking on our door.
just like when we were jw's doing the knocking, it's good to have a question prepared to get them thinking about their own beliefs.
My favorite would be Michael is Jesus...So I would ask, Jesus is Michael the Archangel too? Ok, how would you explain this scripture from Heb.1:The Son was made greater than the angels, just as the name that God gave him is greater than theirs. 5 For God never said to any of his angels, “You are my Son; today I have become your Father.”Nor did God say about any angel,“I will be his Father, and he will be my Son.” 6 But when God was about to send his first-born Son into the world, he said, “All of God's angels must worship him.” 7 But about the angels God said, “God makes his angels winds, and his servants flames of fire.”8 About the Son, however, God said:“Your kingdom, O God, will last[a] forever and ever! You rule over your[b] people with justice. 9 You love what is right and hate what is wrong.That is why God, your God, has chosen you and has given you the joy of an honor far greater than he gave to your companions.” I copied this scripture from the Good News bible...real simple to understand...even if you use NWT, it says the same thing...
I think this Michael/Jesus thing is eventually going to be dropped...These scriptures in Hebrews are very clear...I believe they explained it in the reasoning book...but we don't really use that book anymore...
I have others, but don't want to write too much so nobody will read it.
I was thinking to myself, how the witnesses (I'm one but...) love the fact that the flag was not saluted. You may now see witness carts by the entrance of the players, not the fans...what a hoot...
I love this country as well...but I worship God but respect our country...God bless America, but you got to watch that statement...suppose you move to another country, so now you don't have God's blessing because you left it in America...I say God bless the world...the entire world is in a mess...
I don't know if I read it here but someone said, I'm not a nationalist but an Internationalist, because nationalism promotes war...
I love this country because you can do pretty much what you want...most folks come to the US for the $$$$...and if you want our money you can stand or sit for the anthem...
Trump has a lot of nerve...JUST LOOK AT HIS HAIR...'nuf said...
i had an elder tell me once i was grieving holy spirit but i’m not sure how this dickhead knew..
John 14:26:But the helper, the holy spirit, which the Father will send in my name, that one will teach you all things and bring back to your minds all the things I told you...So the Holy Spirit is a helper and teaches all things, like Jesus did. So in my mind...grieving the holy spirit is making the Jehovah and Jesus said....but the holy spirit is a force, so maybe if you stop the force from happening....then you grieving it...what about when they use the illustration that holy spirit is invisible like the wind...we don't see the wind but we see the affects of the wind blowing...trees, etc....so if we stop the wind from blowing...we grieving the force...ummm...
The Holy Spirit to me is that the spirit does what we can't do....holy spirit gives you the strength to do the impossible...that's why we have to ask for it...
The only time witnesses call on the Holy Spirit is when they comment on calling on the Holy Spirit...why I know, because most of the witnesses I know don't remember a darn thing...don't even remember the comment they made...
Since so many have a different opinion of what the holy spirit is or who....Who Knows????
i discovered your website this morning as i was trying to find some information about 'marking'.
you see a very close friend of mine was 'marked' earlier this week and as i know the ins and outs of the situation (as we are close friends) i disregarded the talk immediately as i know my friend is obviously having issues but is no way a 'danger' to anybody else's spiritual health.
basically they are dating a non-believer- hence the talk.
Hi Danni Jackson,
I read your post...welcome..you are in the right place...this is where you can vent and not get in trouble...don't tell too much of where and who and not too many situations, there are lurkers here and some may be in your own backyard....
All I'm going to say is....Love God...many have made the mistake of loving the org. more than God/Jesus themselves, so when something happens, we blame God...it's the messengers we should be angry with. How many times have you read....Do not judge or you will be judged...no one in the org. has a right to pass judgment on any one...aren't they the ones that brought up if you point a finger how many are pointing back at you?
All religions think they are right....that's why you read the bible for yourself....the only thing places of worship gives you are the pieces to the spiritual puzzle YOU have to put it together for yourself...Most single parents get hooked by the love or conditional love in the org. being that single parents feel they are alone in raising their children...and yes Mr & Mrs. Loving will do it for a while, then when a new person of interest comes in...they will drop you like a hot potato...there is a scripture in the bible where it talks about these religious folks coming into widows homes and making feel worse and more guilty....I forget the passage....
The longer you stay the more you will see and hear do as I say not as I do....many are in there because it provides a social life and at the same time they feel that they are working for Jehovah....someone on here said because they attend meetings, go out in service and whatever else they do...basically being seen, it makes them seem more spiritual....just like in the workplace....you don't have to actually do anything just be seen. Remember this is an org. with characteristics of a working place with the same tiers as a job has....everyone wants the ear of the CEO (GB's)...
I am a witness too...not that long myself...I have been there long enough to read the bible with them at least twice...I think I got the jist of the bible....now I can talk to people of any denomination and know for myself what the bible really says, not what the org. says it says...see that's the revelation right there...the truth will lead you to the truth...if you are open to it..that's what happened to me...God allowed me to see the truth, not thru the org. eyes but for myself....so I've been awake for a long time...
When I talk to the friends, I don't try to change them just plant a seed of love...many feel that they are going thru so much, but I let them know...don't you think your neighbors are going thru the same things we are, we pay rent, so do they, they pay bills, so do we...just because we are witnesses doesn't mean we are the only ones in life going thru anything..
What about the hurricanes and earthquakes, everyone that lives in those places are effected not just witnesses...how can they be so narrow minded....that's the problem...they are narrow...
I could go on but ...won't...
Don't be mad at God/Jesus....they didn't do nothing to you...direct your anger or whatever where it belongs...MAN....
i have been sneakily looking at this forum, almost every day, ever since it began!
it has taken me till now to actually register and contribute.
(actually i did register with a different name in the beginning but never commented).. i am a pimo elder with a fairly long history of senior "positions" in the organization.
Hi PimoJW, again,
Don't let the org. make you lose faith...they are only man...The bible tells you who God/Jesus really are...Don't be angry with God because of some men...that's the test right there....I know you know this...I think for JW's it's the hardest thing to take our own advice...we tell everyone to have faith and become bible teachers, but we don't believe what we teach...it's easy to be a teacher of the bible, because it makes you look spiritual...I know many bible teachers, they teach but can't nor won't do what they teach....that's why many want a bible student, just to look more spiritual...yet many hope not to get one, because having a bible student is just like having a child...you have to be there all the time...because the org. is bringing in misfits and needy folks...they are attracting what's already in there...the blind leading the blind...
Again, if you still believe, then believe...drink some of the kool-aide and spit what you don't need out...
As a human being you know what is right and what is wrong...trust yourself...yes even your understanding, but don't forget to not think so much of yourself...many witnesses are just witnesses just because it's a badge of honor, many just don't have any identity...many believe they are carrying Jehovah's name...like a female carrying her mates name...REALLY ?
i have been sneakily looking at this forum, almost every day, ever since it began!
it has taken me till now to actually register and contribute.
(actually i did register with a different name in the beginning but never commented).. i am a pimo elder with a fairly long history of senior "positions" in the organization.
Hi PimoJW,
Welcome...I'm a witness too. There are many who are nice but they are so empty. I go to the meetings and most look so sad....The org. only teaches do's and don'ts...not love...love is conditional...I'm ok with that...I have friends that are not witnesses, that's my balance.
It must be difficult to wake up and still have to fake it. You have said many don't know about the ARC...I disagree, to me when nothing is mentioned is when I'm sure they know...see the org. has been pointing fingers at other religions about child abuse and other things, that they themselves are now or have been guilty of just not caught...so I believe many know but too ashamed because they pointed at other religions, now it's them...and it's their pride that won't let them let on they know...most witnesses are all over the net, even though they say they aren't, they are....most of us are sneaky little kids...because once you tell folks not to do something, they do it...undercover....
I go to my meetings and something is up....there is a different atmosphere...I think most are just going through the motions...I wonder how many have been in the org. and have heard....this is really the end, see how all these hurricanes...etc...I'm wondering, if they are getting tired of hearing it...but can't chance being thrown out..
When they say well, you know it's the end....I say, sure is..why debate...only time will tell... if 20 yrs. go by and it's still not the end...I won't have to say a word....
If you love God & Jesus, don't let the org. take that away from you...believing in something helps us not to think to much of ourselves...it's a way to check yourself before you wreck yourself...the bible just shows us how to treat one another...God is not a golden calf...he is real, he listens and he hears and changes his mind...not like the org. portrays God...( of course this is if you still believe). I find many don't believe in God anymore because of the org...The God the org. describes is not the God of the Bible....The Bible is a book of love...God loved The Jews so much...even though they turned their back on him many times...like a spouse who still loves their partner no matter what...the entire OT is about God begging the Jews to come back...The NT is about the Love of his Son Jesus Christ...again, the bible just teaches us how to treat one another...God never asked us to say the Lord's prayer backwards on one foot...check this out PimoJW...first God made 600 commandments, then 10, then he brought it down to 2...Love God & Love your neighbor as yourself....& who is our neighbor...anybody...that's the message...not like the org. says...not just our brothers and sisters...but everyone...God is not partial, so we shouldn't be either...this is why it's difficult for me to be a witness...I don't have conditional love...I have empathy for all...
Don't let the org. take the love out of you...don't let them ruin your faith...Evolution, the big bang...whatever, if someone needs a helping hand...what does your conscience tell you to do ? Not the org...you...
Stay Awake...the life you save may be your own...
it seems that many witness parents are simply taking the lazy option when it comes to raising their children.. by this i mean, they will happily outsource the education of their kids to the ready-made information on jwdotorg.. need to keep the toddler busy?
just stick him in front of a colourful caleb and sophia cartoon.
or lets play coloring-in on ready made pictures of bible characters getting killed.. need to manipulate the mind of your growing child?
Hi All,
Me being a witness without drinking the kool-aide...what I've noticed about some...many of them don't want children. I even found out that some of the women didn't want children .....but they have them & serve Jehovah on a cold plate....They make good little witness kids, nice, polite, humble....but a social mess, unless they are around their own...I noticed that some of the friends have many kids...but that's before they came in the truth..most witness have 1, 2 or none....don't have time for a bunch of kids...got be ready for our mid week meeting and Sunday meeting and family study, field service, socializing with only witnesses, letter writing, parts on the theocratic school, trying to keep up with all the latest video's, literature, &&&& JW.TV....you a good witness if you can say that in a conversation....means you are keeping up....have I missed anything...
Parents may be lazy because they think that the friends are babysitters...and complain about having kids..how difficult it is....well they are not the only ones to have children but you know witnesses are, they are the only ones suffering...why should they pay rent, why should they have to take care of their children, why should they work, and so on...
Children are a big responsibility in or out of the truth...being a parent isn't easy...for nobody...in this fast pace world most parents are getting lazy...they are stressing out their kids, with all the activities they sign them up for, why ? Because they don't want to spend no time with them...entertain them...teachers complain how parents want them to raise their kids, the parents teach them nothing at home...let the teachers do it, so the kids don't learn nothing, because the teachers are teaching them stuff they should have learned at home...
So are JW's parents lazy..no more than most...they just want the fun in making them, but that's the extent of it..
The org. makes the parents so busy they can't pay attention to their kids...
i was told this when i was an aspiring jw, aka unbaptized publisher.
the above explanation didn't make sense to me then and it never did make sense throughout my jw career.
over time, it appeared to me the real purpose of field service time reporting was to gauge one's spirituality and for the ceo *cough* co to make sure the elders were on top of things during his visit..
Hi All,
To the point...The purpose is to be seen....if witnesses were to help mankind, it has to be seen...nothing else would ever do. Plus many have heard that JW's are the only one's that go out and should keep up the good work. Once they asked at the hall, how many came into the Truff, via door to door....Silence...The fuller brush man and Avon are no longer knocking on doors....duh..
I'm a witness & I go out...I like being with the friends...but once in a while someone opens the door...& we stand there like ...now what ? Most of the folks in the area know us, no biggy...see witnesses don't care if they get converts, they are doing what they think Jesus/God is commanding them to do...the other one they do is go to the meetings...that's the extent of what witnesses can & will do...as long as they do what is commanded by the GB's...they are good. But here's the kicker...they always feel empty or not doing enough...why? Because they don't...oh yeah, some needed to change some of their ways, but witnesses take decent folks and make them judgmental and bitter....& think too much of themselves...Many of them see the world helping others but do they, no...just hand out paper and standing around...so in their quiet moments, they feel they are not doing enough and guess what, they are not...
I guess it can be encouraging but only if you get someone with a good ear, like your field service partner...it's all about the #'s....also field service keeps you on that wheel so you don't know what's going on in the world or in the org....keep'em busy...
what do you consider sinful?
okay, i know many of you no longer believe that there is a god.
just bear with me a little, just assumed that there is a creator or god.
HI All,
What is sin ? It varies from person to person...some people think cussing is a sin...some folks think it's ok to kill & so on...to me...the biggest sin is ....NOT TO BELIEVE...to believe you are the all to end all, & don't we have examples of those type of people who feel they are not accountable and can do whatever they want...Like Trump...Humans cannot handle power. Power is sexy...it makes you think you are more than you really are...When you don't think something or someone is bigger than you, you lose sight of life and humans...you lose empathy and compassion...so not to believe in anything that is bigger than you...to me that's a sin...You can believe in God, The Sun, 10 virgins in heaven whatever, but whatever gives you a conscience not to think too much of yourself...
So What is Sin ???? to me...NOT TO BELIEVE....