I live with an 86 year old die-hard, life-long Jehovah’s Witness husband who requires looking after at all levels at all times, …. He has always been difficult to live with due to some brain issue which makes him emotionally unavailable and unempathetic, and sometimes unreasonable, but I continue to live with him simply because I considered a promise to stick by him whatever our marriage turned out to be, was sacred.
Therefore, this web-site is to me, a god-send (sorry, all you atheists and agnostics) because whenever things get too much, which is practically every day, I can come and loose myself in the comments of all of you facing similar challenges in life, and know I’m not alone.
Personally I find exJW Reddit somewhat difficult to navigate, and not half as interesting as this website. Most people who post on here are, in their own way encouraging, and for the most part intelligent, witty and helpful. You people keep me sane.
(please pardon grammatical/syntax and spelling errors) (and any other mistakes, which I promise were unintentional and not meant to offend)