Truly I hope your story will end in at least some peace and freedom from the fears you have currently.
What you have disclosed is traumatic and disturbing.
It sounds like your husband is a psychopath, and I fear for your future, and that of your children, but hopefully, maybe, people at your place of work may come to understand your situation and perhaps be able to give a level of support.
Your neighbours also, might be alerted to the fact this man may cause you physical harm, and be ready to help?
In the meantime, are there any local charities that help persons in your situation, that you could reach out to?
I find it hard to trust people after leaving JW’s, but I know there are many out there who would help if they knew your situation.
Since I live in the U.K. I am personally of no use to you at all, (aged, sick and impoverished, wouldn’t you know it?) - but I wish you every good thing and every blessing you and your kids deserve. ❤️
Stay safe