Posts by asp59
Removing GB arragment.
by asp59 inyou think they abouth to remove gb arragment?
more and more with gb talks, they seem to be saying goodbye to congregations.
maeby its part of downsize.
You think they abouth to remove GB arragment? More and more with GB talks, they seem to be saying goodbye to congregations. Maeby its part of downsize. Don't know if there not gonna be any 'anoited' in GB. Or they removing it all. -
Three children families stop step decline in Mormon membership
by joe134cd ini just posted this on a seperate thread, but i think it deserves its own thread.
this is with regard to the pew survey that states “2 out of three 3 born into the jehovah’s witness faith.
will not remain in the faith as adults.”.
Org has always told members generation living 1914 would see the end. That biblical generation was 70-80 year's. The time to preach. Middle 90s, 80 year has passed and, no Harmagedon. Congregations started to be more zombie liked. So org put in the hard rule, if you abandon org you can not have contact with family. Back in the 90s thing's started to die of for org. They must have thought they gonna fool everyone with overlapping generation teachings some years ago. Think that it hade the opposite effect of what they wanted.
False members numbers
by asp59 inis watchtower faking there member numbers?
i live in europe.
for the last 15 year's probably 25 person i knew or more were df, pimo, left by own will, inactive.
You wanna be impressed and of the charts information. This artical. Keeping young ones in the org by telling them they gonna be abandon by family if they leave, maeby keeps numbers afloat. Or even a little 0,01 plus. But if you wanna have real increase. Do what muslims do, have lots of children. But its not only that, lots people in western world are converting to Islam.
False members numbers
by asp59 inis watchtower faking there member numbers?
i live in europe.
for the last 15 year's probably 25 person i knew or more were df, pimo, left by own will, inactive.
The baptism for younger ones they started years ago show they are desperate. I think they lying right out about numbers. Year's ago it was they needed to build hundreds or thousands of new kingdom halls cause of growth. Short time after that, they wanted to sell thousands. In letters they send out asking for donations, they always wrote they were growing by leaps and bounds. Merging of congregations cause they we're growing so much. Incredible blessings ;-). A travelling brother held a speech and in the outline it said people were throwing themselves to get into organization. They lie abouth anything. You can never trust there numbers.
False members numbers
by asp59 inis watchtower faking there member numbers?
i live in europe.
for the last 15 year's probably 25 person i knew or more were df, pimo, left by own will, inactive.
They done a world of a crap job. Organization that have probably spent most hour out recruiting and millions or billions printing litteratur, ends with not only zero growth in many parts of western world, but in many places shrinking. People are afraid of leaving cause they won't have contact with family, so they become pimo or inactive. Result half empty meetings and lack of donations. They been compare to Mormons on this site or if they doing better then Mormons. Mormons don't drink coffee, tea or alcohol and they want 10% of salary. If you doing as good as a organization that has does requirements... you doing really really bad.
False members numbers
by asp59 inis watchtower faking there member numbers?
i live in europe.
for the last 15 year's probably 25 person i knew or more were df, pimo, left by own will, inactive.
Is watchtower faking there member numbers? I live in Europe. For the last 15 year's probably 25 person i knew or more were DF, pimo, left by own will, inactive. And numbers growing. I never meet anyone new from district. There most be much less members in org now then 15 year's ago. Maeby they lying about the numbers and claim it's spiritual warfare.
Was told I was not progressing!
by Overrated inyou're doing everything you can, meeting attendance, field circus, helping out where you can and you are told your not progressing!?!
as anyone had that happen to them in the "trooth "?.
It's more of a what if question or have you experience question. Not same org anymore with meeting's and field service. Don't know what future zoom appointments gonna be base on. Maeby they even remove elder arragments. The most important and 'celebrity' arragment they hade in congregations was pioneer. And that's practically gone with the " do as many hours you can or want" new deal. Who knows what new changes are on the way.
Was told I was not progressing!
by Overrated inyou're doing everything you can, meeting attendance, field circus, helping out where you can and you are told your not progressing!?!
as anyone had that happen to them in the "trooth "?.
They were basically telling you... you are a good butt kisser. But have you kissed all the elders butt or just some? Go back too the one you missed and your in 🥳😁
Watchtower January 2022 The Memorial
by Listener innext years memorial article focuses on the two class system that they promote.. interestingly, they mention how the anointed are in two covenants.
the new covenant and the kingdom covenant.
they claim that both of these covenants opened up the way for a small number to become kings and priests in heaven.
The disclaimer in big words should be used top of page in every watchtower " we are not inspired and not perfect. So we could error in biblical arragments and understanding"
Open KHs again.
by asp59 inpeople you think gb going against holy spirit when they opening up kingdom halls again?
clearly this is not a arrangement that's being bless anymore.
there's must be s reason for that.
People you think GB going against holy spirit when they opening up kingdom halls again? Clearly this is not a arrangement that's being bless anymore. There's must be s reason for that. Why go against holy spirits decision. If you are not s believer. What's the point opening up if before convid the attendance was 60 or 50 %. With vaccines and regulations it's gonna be like 20% attendance or less. They not gonna recibe donations even to cover rent and electricity with does numbers.