#2 should have read.
you can't live forever in paradise on earth.
so many beer, so little time.
anyone thought of doing`ex-jw book studies?.
suggested book titles.. studies in the jws.. millions now living have been deceived!.
thy kingdom not came.. `can we give you a study of why jws are wrong'?.
#2 should have read.
you can't live forever in paradise on earth.
so many beer, so little time.
anyone thought of doing`ex-jw book studies?.
suggested book titles.. studies in the jws.. millions now living have been deceived!.
thy kingdom not came.. `can we give you a study of why jws are wrong'?.
Questions young people ask. answers that work them to death.
you can't live forever in peace on earth.
The Lie that leads to an eternity without a life.
one thing that has always confused me about the jw's is they promise you a free bible study course but always pull out some other book.
the times this has happened to me, we didn't even open the bible.
hmmmmm...... .
i believe(its actually been long enough to forget some of this crap) it was on the monthly time card ie.
1) # of bible studies conducted
2)WT publication studied
okay, it's an old question but we haven't examined it here yet so let's have your thoughts.. adam was the progenitor of the whole human race, from his genes sprang the negroid, caucasian, mongoloid, indo-european and every other race on the planet.. the hebrew people were not selected as jehovah's chosen nation until abram had found favour with god so presumably all races were equal in his eyes before then.. so then, what basis is there, if any, for deciding what adam and eve's skin colour may have been?.
could they not indeed have been black or blonde or chinese looking?.
this is a pointless discussion i grant you.
could it be that there were once indiginous white peoples in these areas that once assimilated have lost those characteristics throught inter-racial marriage? there was once a civilization of white people in India that has disappeared/assimilated. then, there is the Ainu of Japan and the american indian and black african whose men cannot grow chest hair or facial hair when racially pure although among modern members of these races these characteristics are changing. one indian tribe (the micmac of eastern canada ) lost their last racially pure member 10 yrs ago. most of the men have wavy hair instead of the traditional straight and also have facial hair.similar things can be said for descendents of former slaves in the black race.
okay, it's an old question but we haven't examined it here yet so let's have your thoughts.. adam was the progenitor of the whole human race, from his genes sprang the negroid, caucasian, mongoloid, indo-european and every other race on the planet.. the hebrew people were not selected as jehovah's chosen nation until abram had found favour with god so presumably all races were equal in his eyes before then.. so then, what basis is there, if any, for deciding what adam and eve's skin colour may have been?.
could they not indeed have been black or blonde or chinese looking?.
this is a pointless discussion i grant you.
dearest aggie
why is it that the idea of a white person tanning is linked to this discusiion? when the white person doesn't spend all of their time in the sun they turn back to white and the tanned skin eventually falls off as a bio-waste. of course the process of tanning also speeds up the 'aging' process. and a tanned white woman who is pregnant will give birth to a very white baby assuming a white father. so, surely you are not using tanning as a proof for some mutation!
also as for the indians looking like jews, that's because the indians came accross the Bearing strait from east asia. the jews are descended fromthe Kazar tribe which is Turko-Mongolian and also originated in east asia as opposed to the middle east (so called holy land) where the bible tells us the israelites lived somewhat to the south of the caucus mountains
now how about a peek at your pic?
okay, it's an old question but we haven't examined it here yet so let's have your thoughts.. adam was the progenitor of the whole human race, from his genes sprang the negroid, caucasian, mongoloid, indo-european and every other race on the planet.. the hebrew people were not selected as jehovah's chosen nation until abram had found favour with god so presumably all races were equal in his eyes before then.. so then, what basis is there, if any, for deciding what adam and eve's skin colour may have been?.
could they not indeed have been black or blonde or chinese looking?.
this is a pointless discussion i grant you.
dearest aggie
ever notice how two 'brown' people can only produce 'brown' offspring. ever notice how white people have only two white parents. ever notice how when a white person who mates with a person of another colour they offspring are something other than white as well as grandchildren etc.ever read how the white race originated in the caucus mountains which are just north of the former area of Assyria/Mesopotamia where the Israelites were sent into captivity.
may you have peace
okay, it's an old question but we haven't examined it here yet so let's have your thoughts.. adam was the progenitor of the whole human race, from his genes sprang the negroid, caucasian, mongoloid, indo-european and every other race on the planet.. the hebrew people were not selected as jehovah's chosen nation until abram had found favour with god so presumably all races were equal in his eyes before then.. so then, what basis is there, if any, for deciding what adam and eve's skin colour may have been?.
could they not indeed have been black or blonde or chinese looking?.
this is a pointless discussion i grant you.
ok i'll bight
how can a couple with at least one person being black produce anything but black children?????
1)the bible is totally crap
2)all people are not from adam(the translations are wrong, either intentionally or unintentionally.
since the HEBREW translated adam means to blush or turn red, guess what? adam was a colour that can turn red!
also lokking at I SAMUAL, the story of david and goliath, david is RUDDY: this is word 122 in Strong's exhautive concordance which is derived from the words for adam 118/119/120. in particular, the word translated Ruddy means red in the hair or complexion. as for the complexion guess which race can be red(not the american wagon burner)in the comlexion. and which race of people is famous for red hair(Scottish Celts)?they also have david's corination stone(also most royal families in europe trace their descent from David?
So, trouble maker, guess what colour Adam was as well as Noah(he was perfect in his generations) right down to David and his descendents.
so, simon, would you please find it in your heart to delete this post and the one entitled, "what's up with aguest?
" they're both very 'off topic', unnecessary, and taking up valuable board space.. thank you.. sj
sometimes a guy just has to take what he can get
so, simon, would you please find it in your heart to delete this post and the one entitled, "what's up with aguest?
" they're both very 'off topic', unnecessary, and taking up valuable board space.. thank you.. sj
as a member of the fairer sex maybe you could tell us about your wild times when in the bloom of youth
may you all have peace!.
once again, i have received a 'writing' on my heart, which i am directed to share with any and all who will 'receive' it.. for many years, the wtbts and others have taught the "nephilim" to be the offspring of angels who had relations with the daughters of men, half-breed beings that wreaked havoc in a violent way in the earth during the days of noah, just prior to the flood.
that, dear ones... is an error... and a lie.. by the spirit of my father, the holy one of israel, jah of armies, that is in me by means of christ, i say to you that the "nephilim"... are spirit creatures, ancient beings... 'of old'... princes from the spirit realm, the 'wicked spirit forces'... that came to the earth to 'fell' earthling man in the days of noah.. these being are those that i saw standing to the left of my father's throne, shrouded in darkness, and 'egging' on the 'battle' between to the two brilliant cherubs on the ark, the 'arkangels', which i related to you previously on h20.
i've said it before and i'll say it again
leave my woman alone!