First post on this board (signed up to post on this topic)
I too am of the 30s and 40s group and would like to make a few comments. While I hate to use this word, I think those in my age group are in a bit of a transitional "generation," We are caught between the more robust organization of years prior and the more user-friendly, re-branded organization of today. Alot of my generation had already left by their teens due primarily to overly restrictive rules, not any issues with doctrine. In fact, most of the ones I stay in contact with still believe its the the truth.
But what about the ones that stayed? It seems to me that most of them have found ways to enjoy the social aspects of the truth and minimize the emotional damage of the rest. But what I find incredibly fascinating is that this generation has little desire to serve in the congregation. And that the WT has noticed.
From a 2015 WT:
Elders in affluent lands may face an added challenge: how to motivate baptized brothers in their 20’s or 30’s to get involved in congregation activities. We asked experienced elders in some 20 Western lands to tell us why they think some young brothers shy away from accepting congregation privileges.
While I can't speak to the rest of the world, in my area their is a huge lack of younger servants and elders. And alot of brothers who remain in the congregation but used to serve. I think most people my age don't see the responsibility of those brothers as something that should be sought after. If you're raising a family, often with both parents working full time, do you really want to be spending your evenings in judicial committees or filling out paperwork? Serving has lost its luster for the vast majority. And the brothers that are left are typically of an older generation (50+) or are younger but are super zealous and trying to climb the JW ladder.