You really believe that you need a “government” to tell you not to murder.
Not to tell me! I know not to. It's the OTHER GUYS I'm worried about.
And regarding "how justice is best served", frankly, I'd rather take my chances with the government than with armed vigilantes. Ever see the old movie "The Oxbow Incident" with Henry Fonda?
The Rule of Law works. Not perfectly, not in all cases, but close enough. But it only works if you grant a segment of society the right to enforce it and impose consequences for those who break it.
You really believe that you need a “government” to prevent YOU from buying rotten fruit.
No. I want someone with authority to at least occasionally inspect fruit THE OTHER GUY sells with its rottenness disguised as he tries to make a quick buck. And with the authority to disincentivize Joe Rotten-Fruit-Seller from trying it again.
Again - the Rule of Law.
You believe that you need the “government” to put out fires.
I believe that trained firefighters would do a much better job than I would. And I believe it is in human society's best interests to have first responders operating on something other than a profit motive.
You seem to be advocating more for anarchy than libertarianism.