ancient sources always overestimated the size of armies back in those days, the bible writers were no exception.
That's the point of my thread!
Bible writers used huge numbers all the time, and never really cared about accuracy or being taken literally.
But the WTS (and other Biblical fundy groups, to be fair) ties itself into knots by accepting those weird numbers as absolutely factually true, which leads, paradoxically, to a lack of faith in the Bible because anyone with at least 3 functioning brain cells (I modestly include myself in that group) can see that it's a load of codswallop to think it literally happened exactly as written.
If the WTS were to come out and say "obviously, there weren't 3 million Israelites wandering around over a few hundred miles of desert for 40 years - but the writer is trying to convey XYZ message by saying so" then they'd be approaching reasonableness.
But of course if they were to do that, they couldn't claim that all the world's problems were caused because a talking snake persuaded a naked lady to eat a piece of fruit, and their whole house of cards would collapse.
So they prefer to reinforce the absurd notion that the Bible's stories are literal, factual, accurate reports and thus remain in power. Big fish, little pond, etc.