As noted above, probably most of the dunkees are kids of JWs. That certainly is the case in wealthier western lands.
The 241,994 figure is for the "2020 service year" (September 2019 - August 2020). That was 6-7 months pre-pandemic, so you'd expect the numbers to have been pretty "normally" for over half the year.
In addition, there were still a bunch of "Bible studies" in the pipeline to get baptized, especially in poorer countries where people still respond. From initial call to final dunking will always take many months, probably not unusual for it to take a couple of years.
The entire "2021 service year" (September 2020 - August 2021) was conducted in full-blown pandemic.
Absolute 0 door to door, absolute 0 cart witnessing. 100% phone calls and letters.
The numbers for the 2021 service year ought to be ready in 3-4 months. I would be willing to bet large quantities of candy corn that the number of baptisms reported will be much much lower than even the low number for the 2020 service year - maybe even under 200,000.
And if pandemic restrictions continue for a large chunk, or even all, of the 2022 service year (already started), the number reported will drop again - even more.