Why else would WT, during the 2021 AGM, address this belly-aching the rank & file are having about the Ramapo Media Center if it isn't really becoming a problem?Exactly.
There are no coincidences in WT-world.
There is also no proactivity.
If they mention a specific, direct concern in a talk, or video, or "especially) in a Watchtower article, you can be 110% certain that they are responding to dozens, hundreds, maybe thousands, of reports from their functional KGB, the circuit overseers.
Here's another example, from this week's Congregation "Bible" Study (Pure Worship Restored, 2018):
More and more people today are being misled into thinking that Jehovah’s high standards are overly strict, out-of-date, or just wrong. Will you be misled? For example, if someone tries to convince you that God’s standards regarding homosexual conduct are mistaken, will you agree with him? Or will you agree with Jehovah God, whose Word clearly states that those who carry out such acts are “working what is obscene”? God warns us against approving of immoral conduct.Why are they coming down so hard on people who "approve of immoral conduct"? Because they've heard from their COs that JWs are weary of hating homosexuals, and JWs are neighbors to homosexuals who are more moral (true sense, not JW sense) than most JWs, and JWs go to school with homosexuals but astonishingly are not persuaded to change their own orientation, etc.
I.e. JWs are discovering that sexual orientation does not make a person "good" or "bad", and that homosexuals can be and often are better people than even JWs.
Can't have that! So the WTS responds with anti-homosexual vitriol and tells their followers "this is what you must believe".