I think it will come back since they've gone to such great lengths to twist the scriptures to justify their practice of "door to door witnessing" but I predict it will be much less emphasized.
I can even picture a world where "door to door" is mainly (only?) carried out in rural areas and/or primarily by pioneers.
I can picture in urban, even suburban, environments, ubiquitous witnessing carts, manned in 2 or 3 hour shifts for 8 or even 12 hours a day, at highly visible areas - around bus stops, parking lots, park entrances, etc. Maybe even some places without all that much foot traffic, but where cars driving past would notice.
Pretty much any congregation (except those way out in the boonies) could come up with 5 or 6 spots where such a cart might be located. Say 6 location, 4 shifts of 2 or 3 persons per cart per day, 7 days a week, would be more than enough to keep a congregation busy. Pioneers who want more time could still go door to door.
It will be well past 2 years, probably approaching or even surpassing 3 years, of pandemic before "door to door" could even be considered. After so long not doing it, it would be very nearly impossible to get momentum for JWs to do it built up again.
And JWs loved, loved, LOVED "metropolitan witnessing" (aka cart witnessing) before the pandemic. Easy time, no effort, no walking, frequent breaks, never have to talk to anyone if you don't want to, and you are publicly "virtue-signaling" your zeal for the ministry.
Announcing arrangements as I just outlined would send JWs over the moon, delirious with joy.