Good lord. I feel like I need to bathe in hydrogen peroxide after reading that.
JoinedPosts by FFGhost
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Bit cut from annual meeting
by neat blue dog indoes anyone have access to the leaked copy of the annual meeting?
because on part 2 (released as the feb. 2022 monthly program) there is a piece cut out at the 1:30:20 mark..
Weren't there other changes in the "final product" as well?
I think I remember reading something about Morris' concluding talk, about how he contradicted Lett in particular regarding how soon Armageddon is thought to be coming.
If you watch closely, you can sometimes see where cuts were made - the image "jumps" too quickly, the speaker's head changes position unnaturally before vs. after the cut.
Freaky, unsettling, unnerving comment from Losch in his AGM talk
by FFGhost indid anybody else catch it?.
he said that people who come back in the earthly resurrection would be given a body "reasonably similar" to the one they had prior to death.. what the almighty hootch?.
you are only a copy that believes its real.
There's a movie from around 15 years ago that explores that idea, albeit not exactly directly.
Where do we go from here, the Lloyd-gate?
by raymond frantz inthe problem is where do we go from here?
lloyd is not going to go away , he has too much to loose(money) neither will his followers go as we have seen the last few days there was hardly a drop to his membership .so what's next?
we will be branded in the same colours and because of him we won't be taken seriously anymore.
Evans admitted to almost everything. Now it's false?
That's got my head spinning. A 100 minute video confirming the allegations (but making excuses), and now it's not true after all?
You'd wonder how a thoroughly discredited person could possibly lose even more credibility - but there you go. Apparently there is no bottom.
Freaky, unsettling, unnerving comment from Losch in his AGM talk
by FFGhost indid anybody else catch it?.
he said that people who come back in the earthly resurrection would be given a body "reasonably similar" to the one they had prior to death.. what the almighty hootch?.
maybe it takes account of the fact that some with disfigurements may come back without them.
That brings up the other point I wanted to make.
For some folks, their "disability" is not viewed by them as a "disability". It's just something "different", and actually that difference is one of the greatest forces driving their entire identity and personality.
I'm thinking particularly of the deaf, especially those born deaf. The deaf have their own language, their own culture, their own community. It is a driver of "who they are".
So - when a deaf person is resurrected - is he/she going to be resurrected with fully intact hearing? That would completely freak them out, sending them into a panic. Imagine "waking up" and experiencing a sense you had never known before, unlike anything you had ever experienced in life. Previously unknown sensations are almost always initially perceived as pain.
Maybe the hearing returns gradually? But then, isn't that going to fundamentally change "who the person is"? Do they want to change? Maybe they don't want to hear - they like who they are and see no reason for the change. Will they get a choice?
Maybe a deaf person does get a choice - but maybe he decides after X months or years he doesn't like hearing and wants to go back to being deaf - it's just too weird and disorienting, and he just can't adjust. Is he allowed to "switch back"?
Or maybe he is "forced" to adjust - something controls his mind so that he doesn't want to return to deafness. That's not an appealing thought either.
And that's just deafness - you could fill in pretty much any "disability" or even "disfigurement" and you'll find some, or many, who embrace it, who would never reject it even if possible.
All of this resurrection, "reasonably similar", "perfect bodies" mumbo jumbo assumes that everyone wants a "perfect human body" - but that just simply isn't true in many cases.
As usual, even this 3 minute meditation on the consequences of the JW "resurrection" doctrine points out gaping ethical and logistical holes in the story.
But of course, JWs are trained not to think for more than 5 or 10 seconds on any topic, so for most of them, it simply isn't an issue.
Freaky, unsettling, unnerving comment from Losch in his AGM talk
by FFGhost indid anybody else catch it?.
he said that people who come back in the earthly resurrection would be given a body "reasonably similar" to the one they had prior to death.. what the almighty hootch?.
Did anybody else catch it?
He said that people who come back in the earthly resurrection would be given a body "reasonably similar" to the one they had prior to death.
What the almighty hootch?
"Reasonably"? "Similar"?
"Reasonably similar"?
It was such an odd thing to say - it was no mistake, though, since (1) he obviously read the entire thing directly from a teleprompter - he never looked down and barely even blinked and (2) he said it 2 times during the talk.
It just sounds Gross? Icky? I can't quite find the right word.
I might expect a reasonably similar replacement for, I don't know, a discontinued item that was still under warranty, or a rental car if the location I pick up from is sold out of the model I reserved.....
But if I'm going to be pulled out of the grave, I'd like to have my exact body, shined up a bit, but still quite obviously exactly me, thank you very much.
There's a bunch of other issues I have with this phrase used during the talk, but I'll let other folks chime in before I go off on another tangent.
Did that statement have a reasonably similar reaction for anyone else out there?
AM III off topic remarks online @
by Gorb inam iiii off topic remarks at the anual meeting, are online at broadcasting.. he says in the early 70s he did not believe the end was near, and told his sons not to believe jw's who stating the end is near because the system could go on to 2020.. g..
Telling your kids it can last 50 years is not an urgent attitude.
Excellent point.
How quickly you'd get shuttled into the "back room" at the Kingdom Hall (or the "breakout room" on Zoom) if you said, during a talk, "this 'system of things' might last well into the 2060s or 2070s".
I think AMIII is blowing smoke up his ample patootie.
Lloyd has taken his video down: has anyone got a copy of it?
by raymond frantz inlloyd has taken his video down: has anyone got a copy of it?.
I'm no attorney, but I suspect a video message proclaiming "It's OK! The prostitutes I used all assured me that they were of legal age!" isn't quite the strong defense he thinks it is.
Perhaps a real attorney convinced him of the same.
Loyd has made a statement on Facebook
by pistolpete inhere is a copy of loyd's facebook latest comment.
all were in their 20s or older
I can see paradise.....and the date of birth on the notarized copy of your birth the dashboard light.....
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
If Watchtower or JW lurkers are reading, we are not all sexually deviant as Lloyd has insinuated.
100% true.
And 100% meaningless - if WT monitors this site and/or reddit (which they almost certainly do, or pay someone to do), they will 110% use this incident to paint all "apostates" as child-raping deviants to their adherents.
This incident will have done more to drive fence-sitters back to "mother" than any of his videos have done to influence anyone to leave.