It all seems so perfunctory and boring.
You're just now figuring that out?
2022-march-english-s-147-announcements and reminders.. see #4.
It all seems so perfunctory and boring.
You're just now figuring that out?
has anyone heard any word on active witnesses inside the ukraine and what has been happening with them the last week or so?
i checked the official org website but there was just the expected "fulfilling bible prophecy" stuff.
perhaps someone here has bethel contacts who have leaked some info on what the gb is trying to do for these victims of putin's madness?.
I've seen a few stories passed around via social media - mostly the typical stuff about Jehovah protecting Ukrainian JWs against all odds.
I imagine there will probably one of those insufferable "governing body updates" on JW broadcasting in a month or 2 filled with "enhanced" experiences more or less grounded in reality.
the watchtower—study edition | may 2022. study article 19. revelation—what it means for you today.
15 satan instigated an attack on the anointed brothers who were taking the lead in the kingdom-preaching work.
prominent ones among them were the figurative “two witnesses” spoken of as being killed.
LOL on the "atomic bombs = fire from heaven".
Almost as good as those 1920s (?) Golden Age articles tying "Leviathan" from the book of Job to steam-powered locomotives.
But you know, JWs after the WT study will be all "W-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-w.....that's so de-e-e-e-e-e-p".
the watchtower—study edition | may 2022. study article 19. revelation—what it means for you today.
15 satan instigated an attack on the anointed brothers who were taking the lead in the kingdom-preaching work.
prominent ones among them were the figurative “two witnesses” spoken of as being killed.
Looks like they still identify the "8th king" as the United Nations, but....
It barely gets a mention. 3 articles, 60+ paragraphs all about Revelation, and the UN is mention exactly once, almost in passing.
Used to be that the UN was front and center in WTS end-times rambling about the book of Revelation.
Maybe they are working on phasing out that particular interpretation?
the time is at hand!
quickly run to get shelter is jellohoba's ark.. yup it's here again, a newly minted crisis for the org to capitalize on.
i'm sure jdubs are buzzing with excitement on the prospect of the big a arriving with the russia invasion crisis.
As with all other crises:
Inactive & fence-sitting JWs will be scared back to the (now virtual) Kingdom Hall. It will last a month or 2, they will see that the world isn't ending (and be reminded of utterly soul-draining JW meetings are), and will disappear again....until the next crisis.
i saw the post on reddit and the thread got many responses..can anybody believe the religion is still saying this??
it has to be as plain as day that so many jws are poor and struggling today because they never got a career or decent job years ago.. sadly, there are still witnesses who believe money will fall from heaven if they are in the full-time ministry.
they expect some miracle to occur..but, we all know the truth: people in the congregation will be hit up for yet more money for another bunch of irresponsible people pursuing poverty.
I'm still haunted by the memory of an older couple who spent their whole lives in the "full time service". Never earned much money in their "secular work", no pension or savings other than Social Security (which was not much as they didn't work or earn much).
The one asset they had was their house.
Which they sold upon reaching retirement age, with the idea that "this will surely be enough money to live on, renting a home, until the end of this system of things, and we can continue pioneering".
10-15 years later, the proceeds of the sale of the house ran out. He was in his late 70s and had to go get a job. Struggled for years as his energy declined, but had to work. Then he gets a terminal illness.
Went to visit, close to the end. He was dead long before his heart stopped beating. An utter look of defeat and futility in his eyes. Scarcely said a word. "God only knows" what was running through his mind. There certainly were no happy retellings of a "life full of Jehovah's blessings" while paging through a photo album like they show in the JW Broadcast videos.
Hey JW lurkers, there's your future in a nutshell, if you heed the WT's advice that "somehow, Jehovah will provide".
so i was watching annual meeting.
towards the end of jackson’s talk, he says: .
“perfection doesn’t automatically means someone will get everlasting life.
I think it's probably based on their interpretation of Genesis 3:22:
Now in order that he may not put his hand out and take fruit also from the tree of life and eat and live forever—
Their idea is that the "tree of life" somehow magic-theologically conferred eternal life, and that they were somehow prohibited from getting to it even before messing with the "tree of the knowledge of good and bad". That somehow this blockage to that tree would be lifted once "X amount of time" had passed and they "qualified" to eat from it.
This is what you get when you have semi-literate guys who would be hard-pressed to hold down a job as a cashier at Wal-mart as your theological visionaries. has posted a letter titled, ''announcements and reminders january 2022.''.
the governing body are always changing bible procedures.
Long discussion on this topic here:
Have you considered the possibility that the value of Revelation today might be primarily historical / instructional rather than a collection of prophecies to, for and about Jehovah's Witnesses themselves?
Next you'll be telling that every single number in the book of Revelation is symbolic, except for "144,000" which is unquestionably stone-cold literal.
known his wife her whole life.
they have served both in mississippi and minnesota..
But the God damn newspaper?
There was a case, I think maybe 10-12 years ago, a JW MS was caught doing something sexual & illegal, and was arrested - it was in many news reports. I definitely recall, as posted on this forum, Bethel directed the elders go to the prison where he was being kept after arrest and they DF'ed him on the spot.
Pretty much, I suspect, so they could truthfully say, when asked by the press, "Him? He's a former member!"