And, boom! Just like that, they pulled the announcement. It's no longer on the website.
No explanation given.
My first thought, when it appeared on Wednesday, is that some schmuck in Bethel IT pressed the wrong button and a draft copy got posted sooner than they wanted. But then it stayed up 4+ days...a goof up would surely be fixed before 4 days, right? Until Sunday, then one moment it just disappeared.
The rank & file are reeling a bit. I'd say it was about 50/50 between great joy at the prospect of returning, vs. fear & anxiety & "is it too soon"? Couple that with absolute radio silence to elders & COs about any plan whatsoever, and now apparently it's "oops, never mind, forget we said anything, carry on".
Something weird is going on at the compound. Anyone have any Warwick contacts who can give us the real story?