Just tacking onto my earlier post:
Think about all the infants & toddlers now, everyone under the age of 4 or so. None of them have likely ever been in, or can remember, small enclosed places with 50-100 other people around...much less ever been required to be quiet and near-motionless for 2 hours at a time.
10's of thousands of JW infants & toddlers, suddenly getting an overwhelming sensory overload.
"All these people! The colors! The sounds! The smells! Hey, I think I'll celebrate by shouting for joy just like I do at home! Let me crawl over there, that looks cool!....
"Hey mom & dad, why are you shushing me now? I'm just doing what I've done for literally my entire life! Hey! Wait! Don't swat me! Don't...."
Yet another generation of JW kids, as the pattern repeats.....