Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz would be proud!
JoinedPosts by FFGhost
Woke Up Feeling Poetic, so an ExJW Poem
by Simon income here you heavy hearted who departed from the truth your youth and family trapped you in.. no need to fear that armageddons near and you will be forgotten as a rotten failure to your kin.. the freedom that you took is nothing that a crusty book can ever realistically replace.. so stand up tall, tell all who need to hear that it is them who fear to look you in the face..
Online Lesson: Why does suffering and evil exist?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inbible teachings.
online lessons.
basic bible teachings.
The compact reason, for those with short attention spans:
Because 6000 years ago, a talking snake convinced a naked lady to eat a piece of fruit.
Resuming door to door September 1st
by Mikejw ingb worried about not enough coming to in person meetings.
what are they going to be like when they realise not only jdubs don’t want to go to in person meetings but they really don’t want to go back on the min.
zoom has so much more appeal for rather than meetings or door to door.
I know “car groups” aren’t a “thing” in many parts of the world, but it’s a central part of “door to door work” in North America.
Can you imagine the “fun” of (depending on the size of the vehicle) 4,5,6 or even 7 JWs crammed into a small enclosed unventilated space (interior of a vehicle) for hours at a time?
If anyone has anything remotely contagious, it’ll be like riding in an incubation tube.
JWs are still expected to wear masks at the Kingdom Hall. Are they going to wear them in their “car groups” too?
by Atlantis in2022-07-29-announcements--english.
2022-07-29-announcements-spanishpage 2, par.
3. on the other hand, some brothers and sisters—younger and in good health—have more favorable circumstances that may allow them to attend christian meetings regularly at the kingdom hall.
Just a brief update:
Last night was the first meeting since the royal decree from the gb about “thou shalt attend at the Kingdom Hall unless you are a quadruple amputee with active tuberculosis”.
You’ll be happy to know the announcement made absolutely zero difference. In-person attendance was still about 40% of the total congregation, actually would have been even lower if not for a few visitors.
Added bonus: the announcement was read again, but the meeting was running late so it was read in a rushed bland monotone, giving it all the weight it deserves - virtually none.
The CO decreed that it be read yet again, a 3rd time, after Sunday’s WT, because “there is a real need in the circuit”.
Looking forward to the complete lack of desired response.
Hey maybe they should just read it before and after every meeting for the next 3 months?
House-to-House Resumes Sep 1 2022
by Smiles inbreaking news | house-to-house preaching will resume on september 1, 2022. the governing body is pleased to announce that the house-to-house preaching work of jehovah’s witnesses will resume on september 1, 2022. we pray for jehovah’s rich blessing to be with all of you as we resume our house-to-house ministry!.
Governing Body update #8, December 2022
Letter to all elders, dated December 1, 2022:
”It has been observed that many publishers continue to merely write letters on Zoom rather than share in the vital life-saving never to be repeated highly important crucial door to door work. Why do so many lack appreciation for this grand privilege of praising the universal sovereign? Let us give you a list of 20 or 30 scriptures telling you what your problem is. Here you go….Now after meditating on those thought provoking texts, aren’t you ashamed of yourselves? Now get busy, you miserable worms.”
”P.S. We love each of you very much.”
by Atlantis in2022-07-29-announcements--english.
2022-07-29-announcements-spanishpage 2, par.
3. on the other hand, some brothers and sisters—younger and in good health—have more favorable circumstances that may allow them to attend christian meetings regularly at the kingdom hall.
Yeah, there’s a lot of grumbling by elders who now have carry the roving microphones, adjust the platform, handle the sound board, etc. due to the “lack of warm bodies” physically present at the KH.
But that has nothing to do with this divine edict. The GB don’t give a flying fig about elders having to do grunt work.
What worries them is that they said “jump” and a majority, a literal majority, of JWs have responded, not with a “how high?”, but with a “F you”.
I detect a real tone of flop sweat and near-desperation in the GB commandment letter. I’m sure their stomachs are churning as they contemplate “what do we do next, if this doesn’t work?”
by Atlantis in2022-07-29-announcements--english.
2022-07-29-announcements-spanishpage 2, par.
3. on the other hand, some brothers and sisters—younger and in good health—have more favorable circumstances that may allow them to attend christian meetings regularly at the kingdom hall.
Plus they are probably shooting themselves in the foot. There are a number of people who started attending on Zoom who would never have attended meetings at the KH.
In the local nearby congregation, Zoom attendance during the pandemic was easily 120% or more of the count of “publishers”, I.e. just about everyone associated with the congregation plus kids plus Bible studies (in most congregations you need about 110 -130% attendance to account for non-publisher kids & studies).
Since the decree from on high at the beginning of April:
— Attendance is consistently 30-40% in person, 60-70% on Zoom
— Adding both in-person and Zoom attendance, it’s back down to the pre-pandemic levels (80-90% of the publisher count attending the meetings).
I’m not sure if that is typical elsewhere, but here, the publishers are not only defying the “thou shalt meet in person” edict but also just generally blowing off meetings entirely, in-person and Zoom.
I’m sure it’s occurred to at least some of them, “if they don’t see me on zoom, they’ll assume I am at the KH….and if they don’t see me at the KH, they’ll assume I’m on Zoom”.
by Atlantis in2022-07-29-announcements--english.
2022-07-29-announcements-spanishpage 2, par.
3. on the other hand, some brothers and sisters—younger and in good health—have more favorable circumstances that may allow them to attend christian meetings regularly at the kingdom hall.
I called this months ago, within days of the “resuming in person meetings” announcement. The only mildly surprising thing is that I thought these “the beatings will continue until morale improves” messages wouldn’t start until autumn.
JWs are staying away in droves, in just about every congregation in in just about every country. Most congregations have far less than half of their publishers attending in person. Many times it is 1/3 or less, always worse for the “midweek meeting”.
What did these morons (the GB) expect? It is far easier, far more comfortable, far less expensive to attend via Zoom.
The bozos closed congregations, sold Kingdom Halls, obligated JWs to drive ever farther distances to meet in a KH where they know half or less of their newly merged congregation, during a worldwide inflation spike where fuel prices are a primary cause…and they think people are going to rejoice because 8 sweaty old men decreed they should go back to “normal”?
The messages will be more frequent and far more harsh as time goes on and the desired effect is not seen. Of course, there isn’t a full brain among the lot of them (the GB), so their only reaction will be to do EXACTLY as they have always done, repeat the same messages over and over and over and over and over….
”Maybe the 87th time we tell them to go back to the KH, they’ll listen!”
Unmarried couple staying at my house
by suavojr ini need your help with this topic.
i’m trying to find an elder’s letter or wt article that frown upon a good standing jw allowing an unmarried couple to stay over their house for the night.. my wife claims this is a conscience matter and i say that’s bs, this leadership does not allow it.
would like to find this info..
I think what the OP is asking is, what are the consequences for a JW who knowingly permits, as houseguests, an unmarried couple (not JW) to stay overnight in their (the JW’s) home.
There’s a whole section on this in the elders manual, chapter 12 (particularly 12:66-69). That publication is available on dozens of websites so I won’t post links here. But here is the outline:
— If the elders find out about it, they’re supposed to “counsel” the JWs who are allowing apparent “fornication” in their home
— Hopefully, the JWs respond and kick out the fornicating couple
— If the JWs “brazenly” defy the elders and allow the formicating couple to remain as houseguests, they (the JWs) would be subject to a “marking talk” and lose any “privileges of service” they may have
— If the JWs go a step farther and “promote immortality” by talking about their situation to others in the congregation, they could be subject to a judicial committee for “causing divisions”
— A (grudging) exception is made for special cases, such as elderly JW parents allowing a non-JW son/ daughter + unmarried partner to stay in the home. But even in that case, the elderly JW parents would be subject to “review” of any “privileges of service”.
Hope that helps.
JW "new light" immediately reversed/contradicted
by BoogerMan inseptember 2022 study watchtower - par.
14 p. 18 - "after all, no one will be allowed to practice vile things in the new world.
the unrighteous must have practiced these vile things before their death.
It’s a fool’s errand to try to guess what the WT writers really mean in any given article, but if I had to guess, I think the key word in these 2 quotations is “practice”.
I.e., no one will be “allowed to practice vile things in the new world”, meaning “they won’t be able to do bad things over and over again without consequences.”
Then, in the later paragraph, I would guess it means some “vile deed” done just once (I.e. not a “practice”.
This point is of course not as reassuring as the writers may think. It sounds like basically Jesus and/or some angel is sitting there with his “finger on the trigger” - one mistake and blammo! Eternal annihilation.