“No one should feel pressured to participate in any specific method of preaching”
What a heaping, steaming pile of codswallop.
More accurately, “no one should feel pressured, until 4 months from now when the inevitable letter is sent in which we scold you and tell you how ungrateful, unspiritual, and just plain inferior you all are for not jumping for joy and performing as we have commanded from on high”.
In the very same letter, just 4 paragraphs later, is direction for a “local needs” part in 2 weeks to pound, pound, POUND into the minds of everyone how ungrateful, unspiritual, and just plain inferior they are for not attending meetings in person. THE VERY SAME LETTER.
Whatever happened to the point from the March 12 announcement, “Personal choices regarding vaccination and whether to attend in person should be respected”?
Gad, what a bunch of wankers.
I’ll bet every asset I own that no later than January there will be an urgent “what is wrong with you people? Get out in the door to door work right now, you miserable worms” announcement to be read 2 or 4 or 8 times after meetings, followed by “local needs” presenting the same information as if the issue is reading comprehension rather than lack of interest in doing the pointless door to door work.
Mark this post. Circle it in red and tape it to your wall. No later than January - “Why aren’t you miserable worms doing what we told you?”