JW. org no longer foots the bill for most of their medical needs. Additionally, since TM3 is a veteran he also has VA benefits I am sure.
We had a special pioneer couple in our congregation "X" years ago. They were booted out of Bethel in their 50's like hundreds of others.
They had a slightly different path to Bethel service, they joined when in their 30's so they had 10+ years of work history as employees in the USA, which qualified them for Social Security retirement benefits.
In the USA, your Social Security "normal" retirement age is somewhere between ages 65 - 67, depending on your year of birth. You can elect to receive reduced benefits as early as age 62.
When the husband was about to reach age 62, he was informed by Bethel that he must begin his Social Security benefits at age 62, no option, end of discussion. AND his monthly stipend from the WTS (at the time I think it was something like $600 per month) would be reduced in accord with whatever SS paid him. If he got $500 per month from SS, his money from the WTS would be reduced to $100. If his SS payments exceeded $600 per month (not that hard to do, even with only 10-12 years of work experience), the WTS turned off the money spigot.
It might have been nice for the couple to wait until later, to get higher retirement benefits at a later age, but they had 0 option (if they wanted to remain special pioneers, anyway).
The WTS will never pay out a farthing more that they have to.
JoinedPosts by FFGhost
Breaking News: Anthony Morris III no longer serving on the Governing Body
by WingCommander inthis has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
God and Unicorns
by Sea Breeze inatheist scientists now agree that "elasmotherium sibiricu" lived with humans.
all they had to do was read their bible to know that.
job 39:9 “will the unicorn be willing to serve thee, or abide by thy crib?”.
Any discovery that's not immediately understood becomes "They don't understand how that works, so it was God."
The combination of hubris + stupidity is often stunning to behold. It is somehow inconceivable to some folks that there are people who understand things better than they do.
"I don't understand what evolution is or how it could possibly work, therefore God did it" really translates to "I am of extraordinary intelligence, and I can't grasp this, therefore everyone else who claims to understand it is either lying or deluded, because surely no one is smarter than me".
would you be more happy not knowing what you now know?
by ExBethelitenowPIMA ina good question is would you be more happy not knowing what you now know?.
were you more happy pimi?
are all the pimis more happy than the the pimos or the pomos?.
I haven’t read any specific books that are about biological evolution but I’ve read lots of other books about evolution.
I'm still curious. Can you give us the title, author, and ISBN number of one of those books that is "about evolution" but "not about biological evolution"?
I'm trying to work out what "non-biological evolution" is, and maybe that book can help.
Are Elders Following Instructions from The Shepherding Book?
by Atlantis inhow safe is personal information when elders do not follow their instructions?.
from spain.
announcementjune 23, 2023for elders1.
Local congregation here (midwest US) asked for contact name and phone number of someone outside the area who might know our whereabouts if we were out of contact for some reason.
That's not just a Midwest US thing, it's a worldwide thing.
Elders are directed to create an "emergency contact list" of every single member in the congregation. As you note, it is supposed to be someone you would flee to, or at least contact, in the event of an undefined "emergency".
It was put into place following Hurricane Katrina. Tens of thousands of JWs had to flee their homes at essentially a moment's notice, ending up hundreds of miles away. Elders had no clue who, or how many, of their congregation had made it out, nor how to contact them.
That's when all the hoo-hah about "go-bags" started as well.
And yes, if you don't provide your "emergency contact information" to the elders, you will get increasingly frequent and urgent "loving reminders" to do so.
How did you pass the time when the Kingdom Hall meetings became boring and repetitive/
by RULES & REGULATIONS inanother boring and repetitive ''watchtower study.
'' all the articles are about the ''faithful and discreet slave.''.
for whatever reason, you tolerate this for years.
When I was a kid, I would literally count the ceiling tiles above the platform.
If I was lucky enough to get to sit next to my friend at the WT study, we'd crack each other up by modifying the pictures accompanying the WT article, or adding silly and inappropriate speech bubbles.
Regional Convention Attendance
by XBEHERE inelder friend of mine texted me asking what my rc attendance was 2 weeks ago (family and i streamed it since wife is not well).
he told me that his rc in the jersey city assembly hall last weekend was low.
co told them that around 2600 were the total from 16+ congs that were assigned.
In North America & Europe, in general, convention attendance can be a little tricky to analyze. Lots of people go to multiple conventions, others go to one where they are not assigned...in most place which are at least moderately populated, there are usually multiple venues within a 2-3 hours drive, and 3, 4, maybe 5 convention weekends to choose from.
Picking just one convention in isolation, it can be hard to to gauge the level of interest just by looking at attendance numbers.
And yet.....
I don't want to go into too much detail, but I live in western Europe. Due to a special combination of geography, language, and economics, I live in an area where the idea of "well, if I can't go to XYZ convention, I'll just go to this other city this other weekend" doesn't work, at all.
So, one can gain a little better insight by analyzing attendance at this one convention in isolation.
At the recent regional convention, attendance topped out Sunday afternoon at about 2900.
Pre-pandemic, Sunday attendance was usually around 3500.
In other words: taking this convention where JWs have no real "Plan B" - it's attend this one, or stay home, for the most part - attendance dropped nearly 20% from 4 years ago.
Think about it: The first in-person convention in 4 years. We had Mark Sandwichson on a GB update exhorting the R&F to attend the convention. It was supposed to be a big deal.
And a huge chunk of the JW population just said, "meh, I'll just stay home, maybe catch it on streaming".
I think the WTS has lost the "weak ones". They're just gone - they may still be "active publishers", they still may attend meetings (mostly on zoom), but if they can't even muster up the enthusiasm to attend a convention for the first time in 4 years....they're pretty much over it.
Now, it's the guys who used to be "middle of the pack" who are the "weak ones". Before too much longer, they'll start drifting away too.
The WTS is slowly deflating.
Very Interesting Post...
by XBEHERE inand then, for two years…..nothing happened.until they pretended everything was normal and sent everyone back to the hamster wheel.
back to meetings, back to d2d, back to assemblies & conventions.
everyone, get back on the hamster wheel, and don’t you dare complain or try to get out of it by using zoom.. https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/14fhe4y/exercise_patience_classic_gaslighting_from_wt/ .
She's been saying this for a good 40+ years now, but I doubt she realizes that.
That' the thing - no one realizes it!
"I give this ol' system another 5 years, tops" - a phrase I've heard literally every year for the past 50 years.
I think I've posted this before, but...
In one old congregation I was in, at least 15-20 years ago, we had a daffy elder, Stephen Lett without the eyebrow jiggles. After one district convention, he had a service meeting part, where he said...
"Did you hear what they said at the convention? Did they say the end was near? I didn't hear them say the end was near. Did you hear them say the end was near? I didn't hear them say the end was near. No...they said.....the end was....[dramatic pause....and pause....and pause some more...attempt to make eye contact with every poor sap in the audience].....IMMINENT!!!! !!!! !!!!"
And now, 15 years later, he's too old to work, his pension is not nearly enough, he lives with his daughter and son-in-law, is in poor health....still waiting for that IMMINENT new world.
Very Interesting Post...
by XBEHERE inand then, for two years…..nothing happened.until they pretended everything was normal and sent everyone back to the hamster wheel.
back to meetings, back to d2d, back to assemblies & conventions.
everyone, get back on the hamster wheel, and don’t you dare complain or try to get out of it by using zoom.. https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/14fhe4y/exercise_patience_classic_gaslighting_from_wt/ .
Yeah, after 2+ years of no door to door field serve-us, meeting "attendance" where you could turn off your zoom camera and watch Netflix and still appear to be a good l'il JW, where literally 10 seconds of "talking about Jehovah to a non-baptized person" allows you to be counted as "active".....JWs are not bounding with unbridled joy at returning to the torturous grind of endless, mind-numbing spiritual pablum and pointless inefficient "preaching".
Who'd'a thunk it?
would you be more happy not knowing what you now know?
by ExBethelitenowPIMA ina good question is would you be more happy not knowing what you now know?.
were you more happy pimi?
are all the pimis more happy than the the pimos or the pomos?.
I remember all the arguments about apes evolved into humans and I read the books
I'm curious now too.
Can you give me the name of the book which outlines the process whereby "apes evolved into humans"? Title, author, ISBN number?
Careful what you wish for! Regarding Jehovah in the New Testament
by pizzahut2023 inok i'll bite.. let's say for a moment that jehovah's witnesses are right, and that the nt autographs (the originals) contained the tetragrammaton.let's say that the nt writers always wrote "jehovah" in greek (iexoba, as the witnesses spell it currently) when they quoted the hebrew scriptures, whether they quoted from the hebrew version or the septuagint, and jehovah's name appeared on the quote.
let's say that the original septuagint always had iexoba whenever they were referring to jehovah.then we have that the original septuagint said in psalms 101:26-28 the following:"at the beginning it was you, o jehovah, who founded the earth, and the heavens are works of your hands.
they will perish, but you will endure, and they will all become old like a garment.
JWs addressed this in their literature.
12/15/86 Watchtower, page 29:
◆ 102:25—Who “laid the foundations of the earth”?
The psalmist was talking about God, but the apostle Paul applied these words to Jesus Christ. (Hebrews 1:10, 11) As it turns out, these words also apply to Jesus, for he acted as Jehovah’s Agent in creating the universe. (Colossians 1:15, 16) So Jesus, too, could be said to have “laid the foundations of the earth.”Watchtower 6/1/94, page 30:
Sometimes a text in the Hebrew Scriptures refers to Jehovah, but by virtue of His delegation of power and authority, it is fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Psalm 34:8, for example, invites us to “taste and see that Jehovah is good.” But Peter applies this to the Lord Jesus Christ when he says: “Provided you have tasted that the Lord is kind.” (1 Peter 2:3) Peter takes a principle and shows how it is true also of Jesus Christ. By taking in knowledge of both Jehovah God and Jesus Christ and acting upon it, Christians can enjoy rich blessings from both the Father and his Son. (John 17:3) Peter’s application does not make the Sovereign Lord Jehovah one person with the Lord Jesus Christ.—See footnote to 1 Peter 2:3.
Look, I know it's all hand-waving and special pleading and whatnot, but there you have their "official" rebuttals.