Perhaps there was was a need in that cong. or maybe he requested it ?
As an acquaintance of mine used to say (no offence intended )..."Are you on drugs???"
There's a "need" in a congregation in Podunk North Carolina (have you ever been to Lumberton? "Podunk" is being generous), so they request, and get, someone to be removed from the GB and sent down to "help"?
Or maybe the guy "requested" to be moved from the prestigious life of a JW elite, a life of ease, relative luxury, and prominence, he "requests" to be moved to Podunk North Carolina....and the WTS gratefully obliges, and shows their gratitude by furiously scrubbing their website of the dozens if not hundreds of video appearances by the guy over the past decade?
In the words of John McEnroe , "you cannot be serious".
All the evidence points to:
-- He did something egregiously rotten - not quite so bad as to be DF'ed, but really, really bad (or possibly embarrassing to the org., or something that increases their legal liability)
-- He was booted out of Bethel
-- He was gifted, in exchange for signing an ironclad NDA, a reasonably decent house and a modest income
Now that people know where he lives, I'm sure it's only a matter of time before someone tracks him down, in a Lumberton grocery store or post office or liquor store, and chats him up while secretly recording it.