No idea if any of what she says is true.
True or not, the WTS brought this on themselves by maintaining complete and total silence about TM’s dismissal.
Think about it - he was an enormously prominent member of the organization. As they transformed into a primarily-on-video system of instruction, he appeared on TV screens of millions of JWs 10-15 times a year for a decade, as well as being featured prominently in their video pieces of their latest “literature”. EVERYONE knew who he was, and felt like they knew him, as if he were an elder in their own congregation.
Then, poof! Like a puff of smoke, he’s just….gone. A brief cryptic note appears in a small corner of their website for 3 days then nothing. No one says anything, based on stories from Bethel, no one is ALLOWED to say anything.
Of course, finally, JWs notice he doesn’t appear on the broadcasts anymore. Of course JWs remember “hey, didn’t that video used to have Morris in it? Now it’s Bingo, er, Fleagle”. Of course JWs, after decades of implicit instruction on whispering innuendo on people who “suddenly disappear”, speculate on what really happened.
And in the absence of even a hint of the slightest explanation, there is this massive vacuum.
No wonder any semi-plausible explanation is gobbled up and repeated and spread all around.
Maybe the allegations are true, maybe they aren’t. But in any case, the organization brought this on themselves. It’s a massive self-own.
Any competent “worldly” organization would have been aware of what would happen and would have been way out ahead of all this and would have put out something to quell the speculation. But they did nothing.
They’re either utterly incompetent, or they decided to mercilessly throw TM under the bus. Either way it’s a really bad look for them.