I admit I have not read every comment on this thread, so if someone commented on it and I missed it, apologies.
Did you catch the point slipped into the new S-395 form, paragraph 15?
If someone ends up being DF’ed despite all the lax new rules, elders will meet with him/her after only three months, unless he is “apostate or actively promoting wrongdoing”. It then says “in some cases” the DF’ed person could be reinstated after just those 3 months.
This is an aftershock of gigantic proportions. Only 3 months? I can think of dozens, if not hundreds, of elders I have personally known who wouldn’t even consider a request for reinstatement in less than a year, maybe longer, and just dismiss such a request out of hand. Now, the DF’ed person doesn’t even need to submit a written request - the elders chase after him/her after only 3 months and, it sounds like, in only the rarest of occasions would extend the DF period for longer.
I mentioned this in one of my earlier posts: this is the kind of thing that leads to schisms. It’s going to give the hardliner elders, easily more than 50% of the total out there, absolute screaming hissy fits.
If this really is, as some are intimating, just the “tip of the iceberg”, there will be groups splitting off the JWs before the decade is out.
There are many many MANY elders out there who get their “jollies” from being the “tough guys”, who view themselves as champions, protectors, guardians of moral sanctity and the chaste pureness of “Jehovah’s congregation”. Now they’re going to be chasing after DF’ed people after a few months and begging them to return? Nope I can’t see it.
A LOT of these guys just simply won’t be able to do it. But rather than resign and lose power, I think they’ll start splitting off.
Don’t laugh - it happened in Romania in the 50s, it happened several times 1916 - 1930, it can definitely happen again.