An effective approach might be "what would it take to convince you that the JWs are wrong?" And don't let him wriggle out of it, get him to commit to some answer.
Virtually anything he might say, it should be fairly easy to come up with examples.
i know there are a lot of 'wise heads' out there on this forum - so i would appreciate your suggestions.. several years ago, i studied with a guy, whose wife is a jw.
(he had studied with several elders before i came along).
the study went reasonably well.
An effective approach might be "what would it take to convince you that the JWs are wrong?" And don't let him wriggle out of it, get him to commit to some answer.
Virtually anything he might say, it should be fairly easy to come up with examples.
australia: jehovah’s witnesses to join redress scheme for child sexual abuse survivors.
So the JWs are apparently doing the right thing!
Hmm, I wonder what their motivation is?
Could it be remorse over their past failings?
Maybe it's recognition of their moral obligation as a "spiritual" organization?
Or, could it be they're concerned with "not bringing reproach on Jehovah's name"?
Oh - they provided a quote in the article explaining why:
The organisation says it will sign up because of new rules introduced by the federal government, which mean it would lose its charity status – and subsequent tax exemptions – for continuing to hold out.
So there you have it - the reason they are joining is their utter abhorrence.
Not abhorrence of child abuse, mind you, as they often pompously proclaim.
Nope - what they really abhor is the payment of taxes.
Decades of abuse of thousands of children by thousands of JWs - but they are not moved to try to reconcile their past sins out of shame, but rather a desire to hold onto as much of their money as they can.
I don't speak Australian, but I think the term for folks like this is "F*cking wankers".
books & brochures.
who are doing jehovah’s will today?.
Probably not quite the answer you were looking for but...
One principal reason is that JWs confuse "conformity" with "unity".
JWs have a breathtaking, remarkable degree of conformity. They think this makes them "united", but that's not really the case. They are externally and superficially similar but that's not "unity".
Conformity in dress code is just another example of this.
“bible illustrations [parables] have more than one aspect.
they … often have a prophetic meaning and application.
moreover, some had a prophetic meaning for the time when they were spoken or shortly thereafter, and some were to have, in addition, a fulfillment in the distant future.” (insight on the scriptures (1988), wtbts, vol 1, pp.
JWs follow the Golden Rule of Biblical Exegesis for Fundamentalist Religions:
If a particular Biblical text supports your preferred doctrine, it is absolutely literally true. If a particular Biblical text contradicts your preferred doctrine, it is absolutely figurative and/or symbolic.
The GB enjoys the power of having control over the actions of their adherents, so to better achieve that aim, they have decreed that Matthew 24:45-47 is literal - it is a prophecy of actual, true, concrete reality.
I'd pay good money to see someone eat the pizza before opening the box.
that’s what coca-cola is telling their employees.
this is ridiculous!.
Seriously, what has happened to this site?
It's become an un - Q - lified success.
this site was and remains instrumental in assisting people that want to leave the jw's.. there has been political discussion here for some time now, a good couple of years and it makes me feel a little uneasy.
i just opened up the site for the first time in some weeks, of the 10 posts being discussed, 4 were by the same poster, about politics, promoting their right wing beliefs.. this has been the trend for some time now, the same name behind a peppering of posts stirring the right v left of politics.. i remain forever grateful to the site and it's founders simon & angharad, i appreciate that simon shares some of these these political beliefs.
it would be a shame to see the site evolve from a place for jw freedom of thought and escape, to political squabbling, that the world is frankly tired of right now.. just to clarify, politics is my hobby, whilst my friends read the football scores, i'm reading polling data.
It would be a shame to see the site evolve from a place for JW freedom of thought and escape, to political squabbling,
I fear and suspect that corner has been turned.
it isn't a debate, it's a promotion of western, right wing, American conservatism
Indeed, it seems to be more along the lines of "ha ha, let's pwn the libtards".
gen 1: 11 says: .
11 then god said, “let the earth sprout [j]vegetation, [k]plants yielding seed, and fruit trees on the earth bearing fruit according to [l]their kind [m]with seed in them”; and it was so.
12 the earth produced [n]vegetation, [o]plants yielding seed according to [p]their kind, and trees bearing fruit [q]with seed in them, according to [r]their kind; and god saw that it was good.
As I recall, the official JW doctrine on Genesis chapter 1 is that it details the order of creation "from the perspective of an observer on the earth". I have no idea which orifice they pulled that one from, but there you go.
So, based on their tortured reasoning, the sun was created "in the beginning" at Genesis 1:1. Its light came through to the earth, but the earth was covered by thick clouds 100% of the time over 100% of the surface, so an "observer on the earth" would never have perceived the yellow ball in the sky providing the light. But the light would have been sufficient for the plants.
Afterward, the teaching goes, God "thinned out" the cloud cover enough so that our mythical "observer on the earth" could perceive the yellow ball "from his perspective".
The "water canopy" that supplied the water for the global deluge of Genesis chapter 6 is mixed up in there as well, at some point.
Please, please, I know this defies about a hundred laws of physics, and things didn't really happen this way. I'm just saying what the JW explanation is, which works well enough on their adherents who are routinely counseled against reading information contrary to JW positions.
so about a month in to biden's presidency and they are already bombing a country.. remind me how trump was going to bring about wwiii with north korea, iran, china and god knows who else?
did he?
no.. but straight back to business as usual for the military industrial complex and crickets from their media buddies..
how are they handling the memorial this year?
zoom or open kh's?
how do they reject the wine & bread in their own home?
Yes, on zoom, and each family provides their own emblems.
At least 80% of the JWs I know will eat & drink them within seconds of their zoom cameras going dark.
Somehow, the bread and wine are only "holy", somehow it only really "counts", if you eat the bread & drink the the exact "right time".
If you eat & drink at 7:45 PM (during the meeting) then you'd better be "anointed" or you will be "partaking unworthily" and Jehovah will smite you.
If you eat/drink the identical items at 8:15 (after the meeting), though, hey, just a nice little snack.
And don't get me started on the sheer absurdity that each family will go through to appear to be "passing the emblems" to each other.
The goofiness of the whole thing is just incomprehensible to anyone who's never been a JW.