There was a case, I think maybe 10-12 years ago, a JW MS was caught doing something sexual & illegal, and was arrested - it was in many news reports. I definitely recall, as posted on this forum, Bethel directed the elders go to the prison where he was being kept after arrest and they DF'ed him on the spot.
Pretty much, I suspect, so they could truthfully say, when asked by the press, "Him? He's a former member!"
A reddit commenter said child porn is not a df-ing offense? is that true?
The elders manual says it can be, if it is "an entrenched practice of viewing, perhaps over a considerable period of time". That is classed as "gross uncleanness with greediness".
So, if you are only an "occasional" viewer, then it would not be judicial.
Yes I know it is a crime. There is not a particularly lot of overlap in the Venn diagram of "judicial matters" vs. "crime".
It's kind of odd, they made a big hullabaloo about their "pilot program" which started just before the Omicron variant started spreading.
I heard informally that with Omicron, many such pilot programs were shut down.
But after all the hub-bub, including numerous social network videos of half-full Kingdom Hall meetings, there's been bubkus since then.
It's never even mentioned anywhere at all. No one has any idea if the programs are still in operation, or if some / many / most / all have been shut down.
It's kind of like they never announced it at all, with the complete and utter silence about it.
in addition to studio space, the planned ramapo-tuxedo complex would total 1.5 million square feet.
the complex would include offices, 600 housing units in multiple-family buildings, underground parking, a fitness area, and a visitor center for the public.. .
here is anthony morris in a jw broadcasting february 2022, reading a (fake) letter from a ''concerned brother.
It never occurs to them, how ghoulish it sounds, the message that "Jehovah will slaughter 99.9% of the human race, including hundreds of millions of children and infants, but will make sure that a video production studio in upstate New York remains unscathed".
this was before my time, but there was this post that had 308 comments testifying that the best thing of being a jehovah witness back in the day was the convention's meals.
Does no one remember the bagels with cream cheese and strawberry jam? This would have been late 80's / early 90's. Surprisingly good.
On the other side of the coin, once in the late 70's / early 80's they served hamburgers at a district convention. Perhaps well-intentioned, but the grease flowed through the aluminum foil wrapping. If you only stained your tie it was an amazing accomplishment - more likely your entire shirt / suit were ruined.
espn’s stephen a. smith apologizes to jehovah’s witnesses for falsely suggesting they are anti-vax..
1) Didn't realize there was a JW NBA player. Is it one of those "Lou Whitaker" deals, where he really is a legit JW who is somehow threading the needle of being a sports pro while still "in good standing", or a "Serena Williams" deal, where she kinda sorta self-identifies as a JW and has attended some meetings but was never baptized?
2) The organization is decidedly pro-vaccine, but there are easily tens if not hundreds of thousands of JWS who, as individuals, have expressed themselves as quite anti-vaccine. There have been numerous BOE letters telling elders to knock it off if they are anti-vax themselves and to make sure there is no dissension in the congregation.
forgetting for a moment the past, let us imagine that now we are about 8,000,000,000 people in the world and jws are about 8,000,000.8,000,000 / 8,000,000,000 = 0.1%.this means that satan can mislead 99.9% (100 - 0.1) of the people in the world.after 1,000 years, when humankind will be perfect again, since "the number of these is as the sand of the sea" (revelation 20:8), once again a huge amount of perfect people will get misled by satan.if the reason for this big number was because of the imperfection, that means adam and eve's fault, not so many "perfect" people should get misled by satan in the future, could you think that 99.9% of the perfect angels are demons misled by satan?
if not, why is satan able or allowed to mislead so many more (imperfect and) perfect humans than angels?another question is: if god "does not desire anyone to be destroyed" (2 peter 3:9), why does he allow satan to be able to mislead 99.9% of people since he knows in advance that "many, i tell you, will seek to get in but will not be able" (luke 13:24), and "the number of these is as the sand of the sea" (revelation 20:8), and "go in through the narrow gate, because broad is the gate and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are going in through it; whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are finding it" (matthew 7:13, 14)?
should not it be the other way around as a logical statistic?
About 1/2 of the worlds population lives in China, India, or Muslim-supermajority nations, where the work of JWs is either outright banned or so thinly spread as to be virtually non-existent.
So, after 100+ years of "the most vital lifesaving work possible", at least half the world's population has never talked to a JW, let alone knows of the existence of "Jehovah's Witnesses", let alone knows about a god named "Jehovah".
100+ years of knocking at the doors of the same empty houses over & over & over again while half the world's population is untouched.
As I've said many times: If there really were a "Jehovah" as the WTS paints him, and if he really expected "his organization" to give a "worldwide witness" in the "last days", he execute the lot of them for their abject miserable failure to do so.
I don't know how things work in prisons in Croatia and/or UK, but in many parts of the world, the life expectancy of a child abuser in the prison system is incredibly short.
Dude should be spending every waking moment preparing a legal defense rather than reviewing movies.
Weren't there other changes in the "final product" as well?
I think I remember reading something about Morris' concluding talk, about how he contradicted Lett in particular regarding how soon Armageddon is thought to be coming.
If you watch closely, you can sometimes see where cuts were made - the image "jumps" too quickly, the speaker's head changes position unnaturally before vs. after the cut.