Oh and while I’m thinking of it, something else that chaps my hide…
Sanderson claims that he had “scholarships” to assist him with university tuition, as well as “several grants”.
This is a common lie propounded by the GB in these types of talks. That universities and government institutions are so eager to give away free money that they go out looking for anyone & everyone, attempting to throw gobs of cash in their lap.
Meanwhile, in the real world….
Scholarships and grants must be applied for. There are rigorous requirements and lots, often dozens, of pages of paperwork that must be filled out.
If Sanderson really had the goal all along, as he stated in his talk, of pioneering right after high school, why did he spend dozens or hundreds of hours applying for grants & scholarships?
Or…..more likely: he dreams that maybe he got good enough grades and he’s “pretty sure” he would have gotten “something” for a university. And over the intervening decades, that somehow has become “I coulda been a star! Turned down scholarships left & right! All to serve Jehovah!”