I would have said “soul food” but what do I know?
JoinedPosts by FFGhost
What does God eat ?
by stan livedeath inbeans ?
( human beans ).
to those of you that believe in god: do you all believe the same thing ?.
How Do Jehovah's Witnesses View Education?
by southyukon ini have a question about this article.. https://www.jw.org/en/jehovahs-witnesses/faq/jw-education-school/.
higher education can lead to moral and spiritual dangers.
a bible proverb says: "the shrewd one sees the danger and conceals himself.
You may not be so familiar with JWs and thus not able to correctly interpret the coded messages in your snippet.
Here Is what they mean:
Jehovah's Witnesses feel that the environment in some universities or similar centers of higher learning can pose moral and spiritual dangers
”Hey JW parents! If you give permission to your kids to attend a university, there is a 100% chance they will immediately become drug-addled drunken fornicators engaging in orgies between sessions of mainlining black tar heroin.”
many Witnesses choose not to immerse themselves or their children in such an environment.
Translation: “If you allow your offspring to attend a university, you will be ostracized completely by our community. You will lose any and all ‘privileges’ we may have granted you. No one will include you in any social events, and you will be a virtual outcast.
Oh but hey, it’s ‘your choice’ on whether you want to go or not.”
Ok yeah the above is a bit hyperbolic, but there is a frighteningly high percentage of JWs who would read the article that way, and an even more frighteningly high percentage of Bethel heavies, primarily in the Service Department, who would love to be able to print something closer to my words than theirs.
The real reason they hate &fear higher education is that it teaches young folks how to think for themselves, examine ideas critically, and to see firsthand that “worldly” (non JW) kids are perfectly sane and rational and normal and the vast majority are not drug-addled drunken orgy-attenders as the WT paints them to be.
The FDS Photoshop
by Vanderhoven7 infor those interested in the latest version of the faithful slave.
from the february 2024 watchtower .
It’s on page 130 of the printed version.
They swapped it out with an image of silhouettes sitting around a table in the online version you get on the JW library app.
The FDS Photoshop
by Vanderhoven7 infor those interested in the latest version of the faithful slave.
from the february 2024 watchtower .
Heck some may be dead by now and we’re just watching AI of them now. Sure that sounds far fetched but at this point nothing would surprise me.
Of course this is preposterous.
On the other hand….
Have you noticed that all, every one, of the talks given by Losch & Herd over the past couple of years - every Gilead graduation, every annual meeting, 3 times a year - have been pre-recorded in front of a green screen? And every talk is word for word read from a teleprompter? Every time they read a scripture, they cut away and show the text of the verse on the screen, presumably so you don’t notice them not looking down at their Bible.
I guess, maybe, since they are the oldest guys, maybe they get too nervous to do it live anymore, or they’re too afraid they’ll keel over dead in front of the live audience, but still….
It’s just weird.
February 2024 Study Watchtower -
by BoogerMan infebruary 2024 study watchtower p. 2 par.
2 - "however, a question may arise: 🤣 what will happen to christ’s “other sheep” who will be serving jehovah faithfully on earth during the “great tribulation”?
(john 10:16; matt.
Clue #8,483 for the governing bumbleheads:
If you have to write an article telling everyone “we ourselves are so beloved”….maybe you ain’t quite so beloved.
The FDS Photoshop
by Vanderhoven7 infor those interested in the latest version of the faithful slave.
from the february 2024 watchtower .
That’s all over Reddit now.
The funny part is, the original photo comes from the “God’s Kingdom Rules” book, published in 2014. The original had Guy Pierce in the middle and Morris on the right.
They just keep photoshopping that same photo over and over. Later they published it after they took out Pierce when he died. Later in another publication there was the same photo with Cook plunked in.
Now they publish yet again the same photo but with Morris pulled out and Fleegle & Winder smushed in.
It really says something when the GB can’t even be arsed enough to take a new picture together, but instead they keep photoshopping the same pic over & over & over again.
I’m not sure what it says, but it sure says it!
Just had a thought…
by Vidiot ini been reading quite a few experiences on reddit lately, and their seems to be a common theme coming up….
…dialed-up-to-eleven shunning of xjws by their witness relatives.. it reminds me of back in the day, listening to some of the over-the-top vitriol displayed by hard-core loyalists when the topic of evolution or apostates came up….
…i was gobsmacked when i finally realized these guys weren’t offended and indignant because they thought it was lies….
I think you nailed it.
Some of the most hysterically vicious comments I’ve ever heard were JWs ranting, sometimes at a meeting, sometimes in a private setting, about either gays or evolution.
It’s interesting, I never heard such utter vile disgust directed toward, say, murderers or drug dealers or child pornographers, etc. Just solely directed toward, as you noted, persons or concepts that very likely, on some level, they hoped were wrong but maybe weren’t.
Six minute video of WTBT$ begging for money, now on JWBorg website
by EasyPrompt insix minute video of wtbt$ begging for money, now on jwborg website.
"thank you for 'setting something aside'" robert butler.
Yeah, used to be, when they still printed Watchtowers 24 times a year, every October there was an article with “loving reminders” on how you could donate lots of your $$$$$$ to the WT.
They’d remind how faithful and loyal you would be to donate your stocks, bonds, jewelry, real estate, etc. over to them, and how you could set up a trust to benefit them, or give them your entire estate upon your demise in your will, etc.
It was like clockwork for decades - “October? Time to insert the give-us-money article”.
Now of course most of the content of the Watchtower is filled up with study articles so there isn’t room for a printed give-us-your-money article, so instead they did this video.
They always did it in October, I figured, as a reminder to the handful of wealthy American JWs to send in their money, while there was still time for it to count as a tax deduction (to “charity”) before the end of the year.
Same old, same old, the usual message in a new format.
Steve Lett doesn’t look well
by Teddnzo inas soon as you see steve letts talk at the agm you think to yourself “oh my, what’s happened to him?.
his hand has plasters and his skin doesn’t look healthy, like he has inflammation or something serious going on.. he had put on weight and is all bloated and puffy .
his skin really doesn’t look good, the kind of inflammation many people notice after the experimental covid vaccines.. there have been very high numbers of people reported inflammation after the experimental covid vaccines.
Let has had the “puffy” look of someone who has been on prescribed steroids (for example Prednisone) for many years. It’s frequently used to treat arthritis.
His fingers, when not encased in bandages, have the look of bratwursts. I suspect he has major issues with arthritis in his hands.
Pretty much all of the old guys (Herd, Lett, Jackson, Splane) are looking noticeably more haggard these days.
List of main points from 2023 AGM
by ExBethelitenowPIMA in1. doctrinal changes how new light comes about.
the gb raise questions then talk about it, unless it’s unanimous they wait, then years later talk again if it’s unanimous it then gets announced as new light.. 2. the gb are imperfect and sometimes make mistakes.
they are not to apologise or even admit they were wrong.
statistics about how many people die and are born each day. “-Is it reasonable for us to say that Jehovah and Jesus immediately label those of goats even though they have not had a full opportunity to respond? Is it possible those may be resurrected as righteous persons? An upcoming watchtower will give us all the details on this.
This is exactly the point that “apostates” have been making for decades.
Each day that Armageddon delays, there are 100s of thousands more newborn infants who would have to be “lovingly” slaughtered by Jesus and his 144,000 horsemen.
Unless, somehow, Jehovah determines that such an action wouldn’t be “loving” after all.
But then, it is completely inconsistent to spare an infant who has “not had the opportunity to know Jehovah” but yet slaughter a child, a teen, or even an adult who has had literally 0 contact with any JW in their “ministry”.
To be consistent, Jehovah would have to “read hearts” at Armageddon, sparing those who had a “good heart”.
But what if someone with a “good heart” had a bad day when the JWs happened to pop around, and he didn’t listen? He would have been better off not getting a witness at all, and just depending on Jehovah’s mercy, right?
But that being the case, isn’t it safer, even more loving, to not give a witness at all? Just let Jehovah read everyone’s heart?
So what’s the point in giving a witness at all then?
These bozos are really floundering. They are just completely clueless about what they teach, and why.
What an absolute mess.
At least in the old days, the message was coherent. It was spectacularly wrong, based on wild speculation and outright guesses using out of context scriptures, but at least it was internally consistent and occasionally entertaining.
Now though, we get the governing bumbleheads thrashing about, not even bothering to try to make it make sense.
Sometimes people on this forum make jokes about the gb suddenly grabbing suitcases full of cash and jetting off to the Cayman Islands. I laugh along with everyone else. But maybe that’s no so far fetched after all?