Doug Mason
Post 369
I know you have a personal interpretation of the seventy years but I simply reject the nonsense as it is not in accord with the plain word of scripture but simply amounts to twisting the facts to suit your preconceived chronology.
The seventy years of Jeremiah was a full or definite historic period of Exile-Servitude-Desolation prescribed as punishment for Judah as proven by its reference to by Daniel, Ezra, Zechariah and Josephus. These writers made sufficient comment on Jeremiah's prophecy of the seventy years as to its explanation and timing, they were not confused about as many are today including scholars, higher critics and apostates all of which have abandoned the theology of the seventy years.
You 'muddy' the waters by your two-streams model which yokes the seventy years of Jeremiah to events during the reign of Manasseh, king of Judah (716-661 BCE) who lived in the period of Assyria as a World Power. Jeremiah with the remaining last kings of Judah were comtemporaneous with Babylon not Assyria so your historical connection is too far stretched. The book of Jeremiah deals with a precise historical period beginning with the Josiah's 13th year in 647 BCE until 580 BCE a period of no less than 67 years. This means there is no need to look beyond these date inot the past for some fuzzy application of the seventy years.
Your fuzzy beginning of the seventy years mirrors the somewhat vague beginning advance by Jonsson in his hypothesis who simply cannot be precise about a date for the beginning or an event for the beginning. Is it 609 BCE ? Or is it 605 BCE? Such confusion invalidates any proposed interpretation. Celebrated WT scholars have never been confused about the period as to its substance, theology and chronology.
Your bogus 'second stream' also has many difficulties. The claim that the seventy years ended with the Fall of Babylon is stupid reasoning because Daniel in 9:2 wriiting after the Fall of Babylon states that the seventy years had not then been fulfilled.
The further claim that the seventy years was of servitude only ignores the biblical facts of an exile and desolation which could only have comptemporaneous with each other. In short, exile produces servitude which in turn exile leaves a vacant land, depopulated hence desolate. Our critics hone in one verse which mentions serving the King of Babylon in Jeremiah 25:11 but they ignore the fact that Jeremiah in19:10 writes to the exiles in Babylon during the seventy year period. So these two verses proves that the seventy years at this point amounted to exile and servitude. Also. Jer. 25:11 refers to desolation of the land in connection with the seventy years so we have model of exile-servitude-desolation.
The nations along with Judah would also receive judgement similar to Judah but their respective dues are not prescribed chronologically as was the case with Judah. Tyre as foretold by Isaiah would be punished for seventy years and Egypt was punished for forty years but precise historical details for all of the foreign nations is not presented.
In conclusion, I wish to advise you that Rolf Furuli has published his second volume on Babylonian Chronology and I have my copy which in my view is a most compelling critique of the Jonsson madness. Both volumes 1 and 2 contain sound linguistic examination of the seventy year texts. The books are available form the publisher.
scholar JW