Anna Marina
You claim or imply in your video that Jer.25:1 and Dan.1: are synchronistic, relating to the same event which is nonsense. Jer. 25: 1;46:2 simply deal with events in Jehoiakim's reign dealing with the Babylonian incursion into Syria-Palestine under Nebuchadnezzer whereas Dan1:1 deals with the first deportation by Nebuchadnezzar during the three years of his vassalage to the king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar which would have begun in Jehoiakim's' 8th regnal year, for this reason, NWT translates the relevant passage in Da.1:1 as the 'third year of his kingship rather than 'reign' which brings into line with the biblical record of this period of history.
Thus, both verses refer to different events in Late Judean history and must not be conflated which results in a major chronological error.
scholar JW