Just did a search on Ebay.......over 200 items for sale under "watchtower".......if you have the Judge Rutherford Handbill that is going for a heft $245........
Edited by - scootergirl on 14 September 2002 9:54:48
i have a very extensive library of wt.
i see how many of you got rid of the books and mags.
Just did a search on Ebay.......over 200 items for sale under "watchtower".......if you have the Judge Rutherford Handbill that is going for a heft $245........
Edited by - scootergirl on 14 September 2002 9:54:48
for those who have left the organization, have any of you gone to another church?
or did being a jw simply turn you off religion altogether.
i feel i would like to still belong to a religious group (that's just in my personality) but of course, i would feel really guilty at first going in to "babylon the great".
I joined the Zion Lutheran Church in 1988 only because we were getting married and fiance' was a member. Denouced that faith in 1994.......to "dubbish" for me.
I have gone to a non denomination church occasionally.......just to check things out. I just can't do it though. Can't join, can't become a member. I have two children baptized lutheran (request of the father) and one baptized catholic (request of the father again).
My church is my back 40! "My" church is great......always open and very quiet. Most beautiful church around!
david alexander gomez .
born september 13th 2002, at 8:47am .
7.12 lbs .
What a cute baby......and all that hair!
Have fun being an uncle! YES......you ARE an uncle now, th! LOL
hope the word "columbine" is spelled right in this post .
today i read an article on rense.com (an excellent website for all conspiracy theorists) where a parent was moaning about mtv, and the influence it was having on american children and other children.
apparently, mtv is bad for your morals or something.
sadie wrote:
Banning or making things forbidden only seem to entice people to crave that more.I couldn't agree with you more! I wish more people thought that way!
hope the word "columbine" is spelled right in this post .
today i read an article on rense.com (an excellent website for all conspiracy theorists) where a parent was moaning about mtv, and the influence it was having on american children and other children.
apparently, mtv is bad for your morals or something.
Another comment......(then I will shut up! LOL)
As a parent, I need to be on top of what my children are exposed to. Keep the lines of communication open. When I see that they have been exposed to something that is "out of the norm" I ask "how do you feel about that?"
Example, my daughter had me listen to a song that she has on a cd that the theme was about suicide. Of course, this was a shock to me. But instead of telling her "I don't want you listening to that" I asked her "how do you feel about that song?".......
Her response, was how sad she felt that someone couldn't tell anyone that they felt that they wanted to kill themselves. We then talked about if she ever felt that way (and felt she couldn't talk to me about it) who could she talk to. It was a way for us to talk about something that I hope never crosses her mind. The lines of communication were way open and she and I had a good talk. She asked if I ever felt that way and I truthfully answered her. Then I got to ask if she ever felt that way and she answered me (said no, whew) and she agreed that if life ever got that bad that she has a handful of adults that she could call.
I think that he initial reaction to a song like that was curiousity and partly to see what I thought.
I am just trying to build a foundation for them. They are gone from me 9 hours a day w/school and I have no control what they are exposed to there. In fact, the stuff that they are exposed to on their bus ride sometimes makes my hair stand on end. But they know that they can come and talk to me about ANYTHING and I will not yell, chastise or punish them for talking about things. Just ask eyegirl.....sometimes our "talks" are really off the wall and strange!
I want to raise my kids differently than I was raised! It was a vow I made when my first child was born.
could someone please help me with some suggestions!!
my family has been out for about 4 1/2 months now.
we have been inactive for a few years off and on.
Not ready to get married but ready to lay down and make a baby? I think her priorities are mixed up!
Guess my way of thinking isn't quite the "old fashioned" way of thinking, but sex is a natural part of life. I do not, and will not, teach my children that they HAVE to save themselves for marriage. Pregnancy (and std) are consequences of unprotected sex.
My middle son was born out of wedlock.......a surpise if you will. But you know what, he is a blessing in my life. Total blessing. My priorities were NOT to get pregnant......it was a consequence of loving someone and sharing something with that person. I, of course, was not 17 years old, but still.......the consequence was a baby. I never married his father, but we have something very very special and that is our son. Our pride and joy.
What I teach my children makes my dub parents cringe. But I try to teach my children responsiblity. Every action has a consequence. And to live w/consequences can be very difficult at times. I know.......decisions I have made have had GREAT consequences in my life.
My daughter (12) just told her auntie (eyegirl) that she is going to live w/a man before she gets married. I nodded in agreement and laughed. Told eyegirl "can't wait for her to tell grandma (who is a dub) that one! LOL
Edited by - scootergirl on 14 September 2002 9:11:8
hope the word "columbine" is spelled right in this post .
today i read an article on rense.com (an excellent website for all conspiracy theorists) where a parent was moaning about mtv, and the influence it was having on american children and other children.
apparently, mtv is bad for your morals or something.
Morning, syn!
I have three children (11, 9 and 2-1/2 years old). They LOVE to play PS. They have a whole bunch of games that they play. And yes, they do imitate what they see in the games.....but their imitation isn't of killing. They tend to try to imitate the xtreme sports stuff! As I type, one of them in in a cast (broke his wrist) trying to imitate some skateboarding moves! LOL
As a parent of young children, I censor what kind of games that they play. "Mature rated" games are not allowed in my home (given their age). My children are too young to watch MTV. My oldest does have a computer in her room and downloads music often. Occasionally I check (we are networked) her computer to see what she is downloading. Last check, there were a few songs that I didn't feel were appropriate and we talked about them. She deleted them off the computer and I still let her download what she wants-but she knows that Momma's eyes are watching.
But, I have to make this comment, my children are exposed to much more watching the news then they are in movies, games, books etc. Just about any given day, we are exposed to extensive details about crimes on the television. I enjoy watching the news, but it is sad when the kids know that it is reality and not some fantasy game. We practice open communication in our home........any question asked will be given a honest answer.
Sometimes bad people do bad things. Thoughts and ideas are already there and I don't believe are put their by games and music and such. BUT I do believe that outside influences can enable and contribute to inappropriate behavior.
Edited by - scootergirl on 14 September 2002 8:59:38
ok, now, it is time for a fluff thread.
what is your favorite candy?
my wife likes mounds.
Great........it is 7:46 and now I am hungry for chocolate! Thanks guys!
i'm writing this in dallas, texas.
as i write this, we're having another day of a grade red ozone alert.
in simple terms, our air quality is terrible.
YEAH FOR MINNESOTA! I am with eyegirl on that one! WONDERFUL seasons.......but, yes, it does get very cold in the winter. MN winter's are not for the faint of heart!
I personally like northern Minnesota. Love the changing seasons, the varying temps, the beautiful shoreline of Lake Superior.
Plus, northern Minnesota is close to eyegirl! LOL
could someone please help me with some suggestions!!
my family has been out for about 4 1/2 months now.
we have been inactive for a few years off and on.
YES BAD THINGS CAN HAPPEN to good apostates
How true, Queenie! How true!