It is too early to claim that Morris’s reason for being ousted is known. The accusations by the this woman lack specificity.
it does need to be said that Morris, Loesch, Lett and others were used by Jaracz as fixers when CSA cases needed tamping down. I personally knew of one that Loesch was sent to deal with. The charges could never be investigated properly because elders started getting DF’d faster than a DA could file charges against Trump.
Intimidating witnesses with threats of being DF’d leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. I suspect there will be an interview soon that has more details. This was simply a teaser.
As for Morris and the 2 houses in Suburbia with his wife’s name on both - that should speak volumes. Sounds like a separation and a payoff for silence to me - but what do I know? Maybe they just like having 2 kitchens.