Redsetter2 - My inside source actually said this coming Fall. I took it to mean October. We will see if they are correct. To date, they seem to have a handle on what is happening.
JoinedPosts by ThomasMore
Will New Rules Bring JWs Together or Pull Them Apart?
by doinmypart inthere's been a lot of discussion about the changes in the org.
you might think all this would shake things up, especially for the older or super dedicated jws.
but remember when gb decided all the khs and the bank accounts needed to be transferred/managed from the top?
June 2024 WT: Don't talk about Anthony Morris
by neat blue dog inthe latest study edition mentions hypothetical scenarios of jws who are no longer serving at bethel or no longer elders, etc.
and says we shouldn't speculate, as defaming them could border on slander.. we could unintentionally defame someone by spreading negative information.
..... would it be proper to speculate on the reasons why these adjustments were made and to share that opinion with others?.
So NOW WTC is concerned about slander??!!
Olin Moyle is rolling over in his grave.
Beards vs. Shunning announcements
by slimboyfat induring lett’s announcement that beards are now allowed he elaborated at some length how brothers ought to feel and react to the change in policy.
he warned brothers not to resent not being able to grow beards earlier if they had wished to do so.
he also warned brothers who supported the old policy not to allow themselves to wonder what the point of doing so was now that it has changed.
"OMG! I just heard that if I stick with JWs, I can grow a beard !!!!!!!! I know where I'll be Sunday!"
The GB imagines that this sentiment will be echoed by all men with normal testosterone (maybe a few sisters also).
JW CHALLENGE 2024: Please post even ONE person who said that permission to grow a beard clinched their decision to return or stick with JWs.
At my hometown swimming pool, the 20 ft mens restroom ceiling was covered with wads of toilet tissue. It was the challenge of young kids to throw wads of wet TP to see it they could make them stick. That is what WTC is doing with their "You are free" changes. Some will stick but none will beautify the spiritual condition of the members.
Is AI going to change the world?
by Reasonfirst inhad lunch with a friend, whose a lecturer in the accounting dept.
of one of australia's best universities.
he told me he expects to lose his job at some point in the next 5 years, as the accounting dept, will disappear, as all accounting will be done by ai programs, so why teach it.. if his fears are correct, that means that any profession that involves the mind, may one day face the same future.
Then why do trading AI's still suck more than Alaskan mosquitos?
See for yourself. Toss $25,000 into an AI driven brokerage account and see how long it takes to turn it into $25.00.
Answer: Don't take a bathroom break because it won't be long.
I see lots of AI content and it is dribble.
On the other hand, when AI spends my bank account on floppy disks, I will be a believer.
When will the Watchtower Society be desolated?
by Hiddenservant indid you know that the answer is provided in the scriptures through the 70 weeks prophecy?.
daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy explained.. the 70 weeks were split into three parts.
here is the reason why.. the prophecy is not only about the messiah, it is also about god’s people and the holy city, as verse 24 makes clear.
Hiddenservant - Since WTC is once again a card-carrying NGO of the UN, how is it that they will be desolated by the UN, which does not devour it's own?
Trust Our (Neither Inspired Nor Infallible) Life Saving Direction?
by Ron.W. inwt 2013 11/15 p. 20. at that time, the life-saving direction that we receive from jehovah’s organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint.
all of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.. wt feb 2017.
"the governing body is neither inspired nor infallible.
The baptism questions used to reference "God's spirit-directed organization". If it is spirit-directed but they are not inspired, how does that work exactly? Please be specific.
Let me run to the restroom before you answer so that I don't pee my pants laughing.
New light on shunning?
by Mikejw inone theory why tony was booted out was because he was a stickler for not changing the shunning doctrine.
he actually said the words we will never ever change it.. they are slowly deleting all of tony’s videos and now losing court cases and losing government hand outs in places like norway.. it’s looking very likely they will release new light on shunning policy after losing this latest one in norway.. .
what are the odds they coincidentally get new light from jehovah and lighten up their shunning policy ?.
Vidiot and Notformer - WTC can't move fast enough to counter the exodus of young JWs. They can't affords to move slowly - seriously.
I liken it to a Pizza parlor manager yelling at disgusted customers as they run away:
"Don't over-react - it's just a rat! We are offering 2 slices for 1. I'm adding WIFI too and emptying the garbage! Did you hear me? The toilets are being un-stopped and new rat traps are on the way! I bought deodorant and new underwear - and gloves - and washing hands after the bathroom is suggested for all waiters and kitchen staff! Hey, did you hear me??!!
Based on all the bad PR from Europe, Australia, New Zealand and other places where decent people still have moral compasses, I think they waited too long to stop flipping the bird to publishers.
Will recent dress-code changes affect the WTS negatively?
by Wonderment inin a span of a few months time, we have had many unexpected changes announced by the jw organization.
some here have expressed the belief that a great number of witnesses will leave the religion.
in fact, there is a great probability the opposite will be true.. yeah, ancient hardliners will have a hard time assimilating these changes, but the younger generation will likely welcome these changes.
A cable company offered me a month free if I subscribed to their more expensive, poor service.
Are JWs naive enough to believe that young JWs will return or opt to stay because the standard of dress is now less formal??????
WTC fails to understand that people are leaving in droves because the religion is high control. The teachings do not satisfy the appetites of spiritually hungry people. How hard is that to understand?
What they really need is a free t-shirt - or a duffel bag even.....
consequences for going against the direction.
by jehovaxx inthere are no serious consequences for doubting the gb.
there are no consequences for going against the direction.
we can now celebrate anything.. what will happen if you take blood, celebrate xmas and birthdays ect?.
I resigned and left on my own - never went back. I was shunned as soon as I resigned. Like many others, my life is now much better so why would I EVER consider going back??!!
Shunning has been a gift to me since I no longer have to deal with the toxicity of JWs. I have been out long enough to see WTC and JWs for what they really are. Have you?
Will New Rules Bring JWs Together or Pull Them Apart?
by doinmypart inthere's been a lot of discussion about the changes in the org.
you might think all this would shake things up, especially for the older or super dedicated jws.
but remember when gb decided all the khs and the bank accounts needed to be transferred/managed from the top?
A friend who is Methodist told me their church does something similar to DFing but calls it unassociating a person or something to that effect. It has to be something pretty serious and is VERY rare to see it invoked. When it is, a person can get right back in if they stop what they were doing and seek appropriate help to change. The rest of the members do not stop talking to the person, they simply curtail some social engagement, and even that is left to the decision of each individual.
When this step has been taken, they say almost all of the disciplined persons change and come immediately back.
I think this is where WTC wants to be. They care little about actual purity and consider it highly subjective anyway. Those in the know tell me that WTC is under tremendous pressure to change and to stem the tide of leavers and fresh crops of apostates planted with their harsh policies. They also cannot continue funding the enormous expense of defending cases against them.
I have not heard some of the wild talk Redsetter2 wrote about, but I am aware that celebrating birthdays will be acceptable by October this year. Thats about it. Some guidelines will apply.
So far, all these changes don’t represent much. Most are simply a move toward informalizing the cult to make it easier to be in. In so doing, WTC is opening a Pandoras box as JWs are already beginning to devour one another with criticism.
If you don’t actually have the truth, everything you say and do will be stained with what is false and confused.