I just know that the Branch atmosphere had publishers at each others throats. Younger JWs were miserable as hyper-criticism is the norm.
JoinedPosts by ThomasMore
Japan charges
by Elena injapan jws were stuck in the 1950s.
then the media made a big deal about discipline for kids and shunning ect.
now three foreign brothers have been sent to serve on the japanese branch committee.
Know it’s not true but stay anyway
by Elena inhow many of the millions of jws know it’s not true but stay anyway?.
my guess is most jws know it’s not true on a subconscious level to an extent but they don’t want to think about it too much and would never ever voice it out loud.. but this is probably true with all religions around the world?.
Sunken Cost Fallacy for many with over half their life involved. It reminds me of the saying: "At breakfast, the chicken is engaged but the pig is committed!
by raymond frantz inhttps://youtu.be/lov1gsxj4tg?si=ze-fdc8yswirahwx.
this is a mini report on usa that includes an update on ramapo as it was delivered during the british bethel inauguration few days ago....
Most Service reports were padded from the local level to the national level. Garbage in - garbage out.
Secretaries do their darn best to get 100% activity, so numbers get exagerated by publishers under pressure to remain active. It's a pointless endeavor IMO.
The U.S. Branch knew that the numbers were unreliable, and could never stand up to scrutiny. Still, they were plummeting after covid ended. The elephant in the room was an annual report that left the reasonably intelligent wondering how it could be so when they knew that few were actually doing any preaching. The changes on reporting were instituted for that reason.
Publishers still misrepresnt their involvement, but they don't have to misrepresent as much...
Current blood card?
by carla ini have a question regarding the current blood card- did the blood card always have a spot where the jw gives the elders the authority to pull the plug (so to speak) and to admit them to a long term facility?
as well as no blood, naturally.
if the elders have no financial responsibility how is this possible?
The "Advanced Medical Directive" has always been a moving target. It is versioned by state in an attempt to go unchallenged. Some 1st responders have been known to discard it if found on the person - it is legally binding if signed and witnessed properly.
End of life is covered since it can give Power of Attorney for (medical procedures only) to another person named if the card holder is incapacitated. There have been endless legal objections by non-JW family members over the decades, but the courts usually folllow the decisions of the cardholder.
I am a firm believer in making my own end of life decisions so I don't object to that section at all. As for the stipulations on blood, it should be a personal decision made by the cardholder without any pressure from congregation elders, family, friends or HLC. Many JWs prefer not to carry the card because they disagree with the blood doctrine altogether, but are afraid to speak out. As a result, they often get no say in the decision-making if they lose consiousness before they can express their wishes.
In the near future, I expect the AMD (blood card) to metamorph into something more akin to a simple DPA with little or no mentioon of blood and fractions. It would be the smart thing for WTC to do.
Romans 10: 9 Simple Salvation - Not So Fast Says WT.
by Sea Breeze in"if you confess with your mouth that jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead, you will be saved".
- romans 10: 9. i find it interesting that this simple requirement for salvation has been a specific target of wt since their beginning.. first, jw's call jehovah lord, not jesus.
the fact that scripture calls jesus the king of kings and lord of lords doesn't seem to matter to them.
WTC was incredibly immature when it came to doctrinal pace-setting. It was as if they unable to see the domino effect of a teaching.
I recall the hyper-criticism they piled on other religions that taught seminary. They claimed to hate titles yet they proliferated them (elder, ministerial servant, circuit overseer, district overseer, GB, pioneer, auxillary pioneer, etc).
Even before I left, it was obvious that they were blind guides. At a Summer convention, I sat uncomfortably as the Bethel speaker announced a revised doctrinal position. I wondered why no one seemed to be reacting with skepticism. These days most of their nonsense spews out at the Annual Meeting first. When they have filed the rough edges off, it goes into print and into convention outlines. What nonsense!
What is is your favorite REDICULOUS JW falsehood? :)
by Balaamsass2 ini get a few good laughs from the ex-jw facebook site: " ex jw humor will set you free".. i was laughing over dinner with 3rd gen over this post tonight: "question for the audience: i was driving around today and it hit me...there are big falsehoods (armageddon etc.
) that we were told, but also ridiculous falsehoods.
what is your favorite ridiculous falsehoods?
Vidiot - I was impressed when they occassionally said "We don't know". Most of the conjecture they promoted as "insight" should have never been discussed at all - it was purely unfounded speculation. But speculate they did!!! - to the extreme.
I recall brothers I respected saying that "we need to take a position on every issue because we are the only true religion". I thought that created more problems for them as they were forced to reverse themselves twice a day.
Publishers would occasionally write in an actual question (most were just made up at Bethel) and Writing Correspondence would reply after they called God on the red phone for the answer. They made a mockery of divine wisdom, arriving at the most outrageous replies/direction you can imagine. Sadly, their twisted, unscriptural responses often changed lives - for the worse.
Do JWs Get Excited About WT Publications Any More?
by NotFormer inmemory from long ago: my old mate from high school lived next door to a jw and was often "treated" to the latest jw literature.
when the "you can live forever in paradise on earth"* book came out, this neighbour waxed lyrical about how good this book was and how powerful the message was.
he acted really keen about it, like it was the greatest thing since sliced bread.
JWs don't seem to get excited about books now that the field ministry has practically ground to a complete halt, and growth is now decay.
There was a time that excitement was over the top when a new publication (even a tract) was released. Most JWs accept that the promotion was just hype. There is no money to be made on printing books so WTC puts them online and yes, changes them as they see fit. It's a new "pseudo-religion" completely now. They don't even get excited about videos anymore from what I observe. Will a new full-length movie generate the contributions that books once did? I don't think so.
Waking Them Up When They Feel Safe
by KerryKing ingood morning all, i would love some genuine advice please.. i have an old friend who is still in the org, but has never been the very staunch type.
however, she is going through a very rough patch in life, (past deeds from youth caught up and now is in prison) and i reached out to her by old fashioned snail mail.. by her reply she sounds more pimi than ever and finding some sort of comfort in the literature.
would i be wrong to attempt to wake her up, would that actually be a cruel thing to do right now?
Is it actually necessary to point out that a person has been misled? If she needs comforting words, maybe they can be given without undermining her support for JWism. I have some some former JW acquaintances who still reach out to me on occasion. I avoid anything JW since they know I am never coming back. What's the point? -
Did God know adam and eve would sin?
by gavindlt into all those on this forum, i would love to know what your take on this vital question is..
Long-winded, legalistic essays typically are attempts to wear the reader down. Simple answers on the otherhand are more honest, especially when the scriptures don't provide a clear answer on the matter.
My latest letter to the WT organization
by Kosonen inmay 14, 2024. hello brothers at the writing committee.
many brothers and sisters are wondering when will the end come?
we were supposed to live in the last days of the last days as brother lett told a couple of years ago.
Kosenen, if writing to WTC’s GB was therapeutic, I am happy for you. However, if you feel that WTC can be reformed, you might co sider that “that wich is crooked cannot be made straight”.
in context, it means that things that were never legitimate can never become legitimate by divine coercion. God will not reform that which is irreformable.
i admire your sincere zeal nevertheless.