I have never seen WTC demonstrate genuine concern for victims. This case proves beyond a shadow of doubt that they did not consider the potential victims of Hill while he was DF'd and reinstated later. It is appalling to see how they fight to shield the deeds of abusers to authorities and others who end up within arms-reach.
Hill was a "known child molester" (he confessed to a Judicial Committee) who was DF'd and later reinstated. While reinstatement usually occurs without the pre-approval of WTC, there is little doubt that the local congregation sought the approval of WTC (as well as the original Judicial Committee) and the Circuit Overseer due to the type of sin he was DF'd for. It is likely that they asked for direction from Legal and Service before reinstating.
Had he stolen something from Watchtower or vandalized a KH, it is unlikely that he would have ever been welcomed back. Draw your own obvious conclusions as to why and you will probably be right.