I once suggested that it should be OK to conduct a Bible study using just the Bible. I was immediately told that was apostate thinking. Who knew? I certainly didn't. MESSAGE: Don't read the Bible and certainly don't encourage others to do that.
I asked why the message was painted on the side of the factory building so that 100's of thousands of people saw it each day? Not much of an answer was given - in fact no answer was given. It sounded like noble direction but it was removed when WTC sold the buildings. They certainly did not paint it on the side of the building at Warwick. I believe that they were finally glad to get rid of it altogether.
WTC produces a Bible that is word-smithed to be like 2 synchronized swimmers. One repeats their narrative and the other seems to agree in unison. Just don't encourage anyone to study it without the 'steadying influence' of their narrative publication or you will be labeled an APOSTATE.
Don't believe me? Ask some who tried.