Russians never had the market cornered on religious intolerance. Thankfully, for JWs, 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'.
In Orwells 1984, the powers fought one war after another, often changing sides in a never-ending conflict that was necessary to keep people united by helping them focus on a diabolical enemy.
JW's HATED catholics, but now they share the same legal firm and model their hierarchy in the same manner. JW's HATED charlatan televangelists, but they were quick to enter the court as 'friends of Jimmy Swaggert' when he ran afoul of the iRS.
Rutherford told Hitler by letter that they agreed with him about the Jews. Hitler dismissed his cozy approach so Rutherford wrote again, calling the power of heaven down on the Nazis.
There are seven days in every week so that WTC can take a different position for each.