Babylon the Great is clearly Las Vegas!
Everyone knows that! It is a mystery because everything that happens there stays there. John said to get out of her because eventually you will lose all your money and your morals.
I hope this was helpful.
(revelation 17:5) “babylon the great, the mother of the prostitutes (plural!
) and of the disgusting things of the earth.”.
btg is spotlighted as being the principal "disgusting thing" which affects christians & christianity, with other lesser "prostitutes" in the background... (revelation 18:4) “get out of her, my people, (christians) if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues.".
Babylon the Great is clearly Las Vegas!
Everyone knows that! It is a mystery because everything that happens there stays there. John said to get out of her because eventually you will lose all your money and your morals.
I hope this was helpful.
i was watching a youtube by jerome about religious freedom part 2. it was so disgusting to see the two jw testifying that instead of the congregation shunning those who disassociate, it is the person who disassociates that is choosing to shun the congregation.
the commissioners kept asking why someone who had been sexually abused had to be shunned if they disassociated ....jdubs talked in circles and never answered the question.
so glad i woke up and got out support the org is a reproach to anything decent..
I still consider shunning to be a gift to me by the cong and family. They were so toxic! I would pay a fee to have them leave me alone if necessary!!
JWs should just own it and admit that those who leave prefer to be left alone so “we try not to bother them with our crazy sh_t, and it is better for them that way”.
Wouldn’t most judges agree with that? Lord knows I would accept that!
with the jw congregations about to be informed that the ubiquitous awake!
magazine is to be issued just once a month from january 2006, now is an apt time for interested parties to share brief memories and/or impressions about the bi-monthly awake!
magazines, whether poignant, hard-hitting or humorous.
Once a year since 2022 - one time too many IMHO.
the following is an update in relation to the russian ban on jehovah's witnesses as it appeared on reuters on the 30th january .
jan 30 (reuters) - a russian court has sentenced four jehovah's witnesses to seven years each in prison after finding them guilty of coordinating extremist activities, according to a spokesman for the religious group.. .
I think I am beating a dead horse here but again I say REMOVE WTCs TAX EXEMPT STATUS and they will collapse immediately. Time it with a stop watch.
WTC has almost ceased to be a genuine religion in the traditional sense of the word. They are a high control real estate holding corporation that does not pay dividends or returns on investments, meanwhile masquerading as a religion for tax exempt status.
Defending and apologizing for WTC makes a person sound foolish.
no doubt everyone has been following the juan viejo postings regarding the watchtower kingdom hall "grab" on jwn for the last couple of years.
called the mrs and me to say "wow- you have to google this" we did...came here to jwn ...became members..and the rest is history.. in the last nine months i have been calling and emailing contacts in the silicon valley for verification on the societies theft and forced sale of the menlo park kingdom hall (near the new facebook heaquarters) because the story seemed...a little far fetched.
every reliable contact i made has confirmed what juan reported.
DOC - Montana ruling just said the same. It will no doubt be used widely as a precedent for other cases against WTC, BOEs and other related parties.
just wondering if the rich celebrities that occasionally were aligned with the wt gave enough to the 'tower to be a worthwhile presence within the organisation?.
my gut instinct is: "no".
i imagine that the jackson family gave a fair bit, but it was obviously never enough to buy michael the right to be held as being in good standing.
Notformer - that was my understanding according to friends who knew the situation.
(revelation 17:5) “babylon the great, the mother of the prostitutes (plural!
) and of the disgusting things of the earth.”.
btg is spotlighted as being the principal "disgusting thing" which affects christians & christianity, with other lesser "prostitutes" in the background... (revelation 18:4) “get out of her, my people, (christians) if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues.".
That was prophetic language, not historical recollection.
(revelation 17:5) “babylon the great, the mother of the prostitutes (plural!
) and of the disgusting things of the earth.”.
btg is spotlighted as being the principal "disgusting thing" which affects christians & christianity, with other lesser "prostitutes" in the background... (revelation 18:4) “get out of her, my people, (christians) if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues.".
Conspicuously the writer NEVER alludes to the destruction of Jerusalem, probably because it had not happened. Since Jesus personally told John about the coming destruction, he would CERTAINLY have brought it up as confirmation of the prophecy. AND, he was the only one supposedly writing AFTER 70 CE.
What this leads us to is that the writer(s) of Rev wrote it before 70 CE.
As to BTG’s identity, my computer is running out of ink. Later…
personally i think they gonna realise god's not backing org.
that idea gonna get even more established in their minds.
i think the real selling of kingdom hall gonna start then.
Speaking of legal maneuvers, look closely at why the Congo reported 383 new congregations in the 2023 report. Understanding the relationship with the CMCs leads to understanding what WTC is doing NOW to stay afloat financially.
we are talking about what Norway COULD trigger, but WTC is already doing something about it.
Anyone want to offer the answer?
things got a bit lively after the agm leaks in october.
there was a lot of discussion going on on this board for a few months.
now that all the leaks have been more or less confirmed as policy, and we've had lively discussions at length concerning the changes, things seem to have slowed down here.. a few suggestions have been raised as to what might be the next changes, such as women being allowed to wear slacks (in the usa, anyway), decoupling from 1914 as an anchoring date and others.. so, what changes do you think will be announced this year?.
Leisure suits - pure polyester
Welcome Obrien! Here is a 💕 love bomb for you!
Seriously, more changes on the way as WTC wraps the organization in shiny tin foil to stem the effects of the evil internet. Last week was a stern reminder not to listen to “apostates” online. Look away!!! Nothing to see there!
Then there are things that will NOT change like proper reporting on child sex abuse - even in Australia where they were grilled by the Royal Commission a few years ago. They still tell elders not to report confirmed cases.
And the thing we all wish they would change like admitting they don’t do charitable work despite having tax exempt charitable status in the countries they deal real estate.
My personal vote is for them to OK tattoos so that Geoffrey Jackson can sport one on the broadcast. My suggestion is a big one on the forehead that says ‘667’. Underneath a line that says “We are not the antichrist”.
There are a few changes they might consider like ending shunning, but half if them won’t speak to the other half so it’s hard to make progress toward that one.
Maybe trying to have a better record on extra-marital sex affairs. They could set the bar lower to have fewer than the world as a start.
But my favorite is to stop being so timid about asking for money. I only heard it mentioned 4 times at the last meeting.
i welcome your ideas!