From what I hear, the yang wans are still getting baptized, but not staying in. A significant percentage leave later between 18-21. Apparently the pressure for born-ins to get baptized is increasing as fewer 'converts' are made.
JoinedPosts by ThomasMore
Assembly with the branch representative
by LaFrancia inwe had the meeting with the branch representative this weekend.. the air was different than usual.. bearded ushers at the parking lots welcomed the brothers warmly.. lots of sisters with dress pants or not, nothing scandalous.. the representative of the italian branch made his debut on stage with his full beard.. location: roseto degli abruzzi (italy-europe).
some interesting statistical data can give a little food for thought after the numerous changes that have occurred in recent months (the ten-year or five-year plan, if you prefer, seems to be producing some small results).. attendance has increased since the last meeting.. our constituency includes 1725 publishers and those present in the morning were 1553, a little better than the november 2023 convention.
perhaps the new changes have brought some back to attendance?.
Advice on fade?
by NotNorwich inhello, i’ve just joined here and am hoping for some advice.
i was baptised a long time ago but left soon after (da).. i recently returned and have a bible study.
was reinstated about a year ago.
Step 1 - turn around and go back to when you were away from the JWs.
There is no step 2.
The epicenter of Friday’s metro-area quake was around Watchtower's former Mountain Farm in Lebanon, NJ
by was a new boy in'the epicenter of friday’s metro-area quake was around the sleepy, tiny, agricultural town of lebanon, nj — where the temblor sent residents running home from work to check their houses and loved ones.. the us geological survey confirmed that the rare historic 4.8 earthquake struck around 10.23 a.m. near the small borough in hunterdon county — just a stone’s throw from donald trump’s national golf club in bedminster, where a 2.0 magnitude aftershock was felt shortly after.. the incident caused buildings to shake everywhere from the big apple to pennsylvania, connecticut and delaware.. “i was working from my home office in town, and everything started falling off the shelves,” lebanon mayor james pittinger told the post.
“i felt a shake like i’ve never felt in the 30 years i’ve lived here.. “it was one of the craziest things i’ve ever experienced.”.
It's the darn climate change I hear.
I am not redsetter, here is his message for you
by redsetter2 inyou read this correctly.
as i explained in an earlier post, i am a "ghostwriter" for the original resetter.
i'm a woman, a pimo regular pioneer working for my friend who was redsetter1 on reddit.
Vidiot - my information is that the CSA lawsuits are life-threatening indeed for WTC. Despite the effort to suppress, plaintiff attorneys have reached that conclusion during discovery into WTC finances. This echoed what I was aware of as well.
But some say, they are swimming in cash! They are building a mega video studio. They just purchased the Geico building!
Look closely and see that no progress has been made on the studio at Ramapo. The Geico purchase smells like a potential flip of some part that is actually a money maker.
If it sounds like I am calling B.S., I am. It is not the first time that WTC has done this. They are King of the Pump N' Dump and the Flip.
Remember Burney Madoff - he lived like a King until his office was raided.
I am not redsetter, here is his message for you
by redsetter2 inyou read this correctly.
as i explained in an earlier post, i am a "ghostwriter" for the original resetter.
i'm a woman, a pimo regular pioneer working for my friend who was redsetter1 on reddit.
Regarding the recent admonition by WTC to "get back out there and get some Bible Studies!!!", they failed to acknowledge that most of the Bible Studies being conducted were with the children conducted bt=y their parents. The monthly report compiled by the Secretary does not differentiate between field Bible Studies and domestic Bible Studies.
Also, many so-called Bible Studies are doorstep variety. If asked, the householders would not validate that they were "studying" with JW's.
The question is, what can be done to get the publishers to resume "studying" with their children and householders in the field? Probably nothing. They stopped counting because they don't have to report time which is why they had the "Bible Studies" in the first place.
The decrease underscores that many JWs knew that the studies were yielding nothing. They were just numbers concocted for the sake of having hours to report for the purpose of getting the elders off their backs.
Guess what pioneers - you have to make up the difference in the future!! Get crackin'.
Destroying Notes
by LevelThePlayingField ini asked the ai gemini about destroying notes.
here’s the response:.
this scenario raises several legal and ethical concerns:.
I recall a story about a hunter (trapper) who stepped into his own trap while trying to check it buried in the snow. He was unable to free himself and was forced to travel home with it attached to his ankle.
WTC often is caught in the traps it lays. It seems that they have become active disinformation providers on certain social media, and they are quite attentive to respond quickly to anyone challenging them - very quickly I might add. I can only guess that this is their primary job, unlike most posters who occasionally catch up on the latest and post a few replies.
On another platform, I read one such poster. The replies were Pro-WTC, and delivered all day long, often within seconds of dissenter comments. Maybe a newbie at WTC who has yet to learn how to be subtle?
I recall that the gullible put faith in every word. It is important to remember also that WTC has been misleading (successfully) for well over 100 years. They are accomplished liars and control artists. They also learned from the Soviets who infiltrated them after WWII. Occasionally they show some brilliance so beware of underestimating them.
When/if you spot a WTC troll, be aware. Like a wolf, they salivate at the thought of throwing an “apostate” out. Perhaps they get a bonus (an extra helping of “repeat loaf” at lunch) and get to ring a little bell too.
by St George of England inso the wt society is going to contest the recent norway ruling.. jehovah’s witnesses to appeal unconstitutional ruling in norway (
their true colours are shown in the statement: "the decision to deregister jehovah’s witnesses denies us the financial aid and other benefits that the government provides to over 700 registered religious communities in the country.
additional consequences include losing the right to appoint and authorize ministers of jehovah’s witnesses as officiants for weddings.".
A CO told me that Legal will never choose to go back to court on the legality of door to door work because times have changed - and they would lose. That is what Legal told him.
It can also be said that in most cases, WTC Legal doesn’t know when to stop. They are not “true believers” so it’s not about believing that God will help them prevail.
I think that they think the courts will hold them in awe like the rest of Bethel does - including the GB. They are 2nd rate attorneys who don’t realize it yet. They were selected because they are JWs, not Legal Eagles.
Their arrogance will be their undoing.
Prediction: no more changes for a long while
by slimboyfat ini’ve noticed a pattern where things don’t go the way i expect them to go and/or whenever i realise there is a trend and, i mentally adjust for the idea that the trend will continue, the trend stops in its tracks.
so on that basis, and given many people, including myself, and active jws, have been asking ‘what changes will the governing body make next?’ perhaps the (disappointing) answer is: ‘nothing much for a while to come’.
maybe they’ve made the changes they want for now, and will wait a while and see how it’s received.
The GB is well aware of the decline in attendance and participation in daily JW activities. They are almost desperate to slow the decline, and will agree to meaningless changes like beards and pants. But, I am not holding my breath for any substantial change in doctrine. They have been promoters of false doctrine for over 100 years - why stop now.
They fear losing tax exemption more than anything. Money is their god.
The Watchtower Society's Registration With The United Nations REVISITED! [By Jamaican Winston Gillum]
by Golden4Altar inthe watchtower society's registration with the united nations revisited!
[by jamaican winston gillum].
this video makes a very factual, excellent presentation on the morally precarious position being placed upon all active jehovah's witnesses globally, because of the watchtower society's clandestine affiliation with the united nations as ngos, in the recent past.. please click here to see video:
Kerry King - A former B’Lite (kicked to the curb) CO being taped while counseling a young brother admitted that they rejoined. He didn’t see it as a big deal.
by St George of England inso the wt society is going to contest the recent norway ruling.. jehovah’s witnesses to appeal unconstitutional ruling in norway (
their true colours are shown in the statement: "the decision to deregister jehovah’s witnesses denies us the financial aid and other benefits that the government provides to over 700 registered religious communities in the country.
additional consequences include losing the right to appoint and authorize ministers of jehovah’s witnesses as officiants for weddings.".
WTC is without question the most litigious organization on earth. They have made themselves a stench in government circles and a laughingstock among legitimate religions. While there was a time that they fought for freedom of speech and worship, that time has long passed.
Now they fight for money, and then money and later more money.