I happened to attend a new boy talk by Ralph Wahl many years ago, as an observer. He sternly told new boys not to "pee in the sink" in their room, but to use the restroom urinal instead. I wondered if that was an actual problem at Bethel. Years later, I walked in again to his orientation and he repeated the same thing. I knew then that he was obsessed.
Over the years, I saw that Bethel was hyper-focused on the sexual organs of young Bethelites. It was disturbing to me and to others as well. They used any excuse to talk about sexual practices, perversions, and personal hygiene.
I do know that bestiality has been an issue for the organization for many years. This used to come up when women wanted scriptural divorces. The Service Dept did not consider bestiality as grounds for scriptural divorce until the the 1990's.
Yes - seriously. And these were the men guiding the sheep...