Journeyman - WTC has serious financial issues so ANY construction will be to counteract talk about the desperate nature of their situation. I recently learned that they are using commercial companies to do what volunteers used to do exclusively. It is clearly an attempt to (A) keep the rank n' file in the dark, (B) prep KHs for future selling, and (C) avoid challenges that free labor was used right before a sell.
However, there are still some who are quick to volunteer for speculative projects. Such projects appear to be fund-raising expeditions. After the money flows in, the project dissolves and WTC pockets the money.
As for the volunteers, they are the "I'll do anything to avoid doing more of the current nonsense" crowd. I suppose they are true believers who really think the end of the system is close enough to keep their emergency blinkers on all the time. Some are trust fund kids, but the majority are older ones with no hopes of retiring on more than their social security. They are looking for meaning in their lives and a break from the treadmill of being a regular publisher in a religion that is no longer offering excitement or meaning.
When the slowdown began, a lot of RBC men were disillusioned and went into a funk. LDC men were selected for their "speak no evil" loyalty. To keep the important secrets, WTC used traveling remote Bethelites. This untested concept was a disaster. Complaints about their behavior flooded in like water into a ship made of swiss cheese..
The money was drying up faster than a teenage model, so they quickly canceled all the projects. They raided the congregation coffers after properties were sold, and strongly directed elders NOT to try to work around the LDC. I knew of some who procceded with their own renovations despite. They were disciplined.
Most elders have the scars to prove that anything other than what they are told to do will result in great pain.
Now there is a shortage of loyal men and the money has run out. It is the perfect storm for WTC.