Balaamsass2 - ...and yet they have a cash flow problem that forces them to sell KHs to keep their nose above the waterline.
I have heard estimates on the CSA payout totals but no one really knows. Silent Lambs says it is over $200 million but that does not include court cases. Who knows since they provide ZERO TRANSPARENCY into their expenditures. I only know that the claims are coming in at an alarming rate and they are paying everything with NDA's in place.
They still have a real estate empire but I suspect that most are leveraged to the hilt to provide the operating expenses needed - which are incredibly high due to maintenance, healthcare, stipends and CSA settlements. Donations have decreased dramatically and many congregations are unable to meet their monthly expenses which threatens the monthly donation. Fear of having their KH sold drives them to dig deep for the monthly donation, otherwise the KH ceases to have value and is summarily sold form under the congregation.
WTC is using commercial firms for most maintenance since they cannot rely on volunteer labor like they used to do. Also, they don't want to be accused of using volunteer labor just prior to selling of a KH. They have contracted with commercial firms all over the country and they send them to do large projects that are needed just before a property is liquidated.
Someone (a non-JW) recently asked me if JWs would help a friend that is an active JW in need of financial help. Sadly, that is not ever going to happen. I explained that WTC does not do charitable work, even for their own members despite their tax exempt status.