Road to nowhere - the local elder overstepped (as you probably figured out). Privacy rights DO NOT require that publishers contact the HLC for direction. It is their choice if they feel that they need assistance but it is NOT required. Even suggesting that could land WTC in deep hot water. The HLC is not licensed to be a requisite part of healthcare discussions.
JoinedPosts by ThomasMore
The HLC do not pressure JWs
by usualusername1 inthe hospital liaison committee (hlc) for jehovah’s witnesses does not pressure members to refuse blood transfusions.
rather, their role is to support jehovah’s witnesses in adhering to their pre-existing religious beliefs, which include a strict prohibition against accepting blood transfusions based on their interpretation of biblical scriptures.. jehovah’s witnesses are well-informed about their stance on blood from an early age, and refusing blood is a deeply ingrained religious conviction, not something imposed during a medical crisis.
the hlc’s purpose is to provide assistance in accessing bloodless treatment options, facilitating communication with healthcare providers, and helping ensure that the patient’s choices are respected.. while the hlc strongly supports adherence to the beliefs of jehovah’s witnesses, the ultimate decision remains with the individual.
Reddit thread about Bethel Reducing Headcount
by LongHairGal inapparently, the downsizing is still happening and from what i read those let go are over 50!.
sad because these people expected to be lifers.
now they have to make their way in the world at an advanced age with no education or desirable skill!..
I recall a JW who was killed in a storm while at home when the congregation was meeting miles away in the local KH. The comments during the meeting implied that if she had been present at the KH, she would still be alive. The audience seemed to have no compassion for the death of their sister.
Later, a KH was the target of a terrorist attack, and a few JWs lost their lives. No one offered that they might still be alive if they had stayed at home that morning.
JWs forget Jesus words regarding the ones who died when a well known tower fell. It seems so simple to understand but JWs do NOT understand. Why? Because they have forgotten what genuine affection is. Instead, every tragedy is an opportunity to belittle others, elevating themselves as they bash the unfortunate souls who cannot defend themselves.
Thought For the Day - for PIMI JW's
by BoogerMan inwhich name does the evil faithful slave's literature demand that you focus on - jehovah or jesus?.
do jesus & the bible agree with the org's obsession with the name 'jehovah', or was jesus just being presumptuous?
(matthew 10:22) and you will be objects of hatred by all people on account and whoever receives one such young child on the basis of my name receives me.... (matthew 18:20) for where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there i am in their midst.”.
In Hebrew and Aramaic, the name Jesus means “Yahweh saves” or “Yahweh is salvation” As Slim wrote, the name refers to the God that the Jews recognized.
As of today, there are still no discovered manuscripts of the Christian Greek testament (Matthew to Revelation) that use the name Yahweh. I am not aware that any excluded books used the divine name either - someone correct me if you know something otherwise.
The message seems obvious that Jesus became the focus of salvation, by the Father's own intention/direction. WTC ignores this of course, inserting the divine name translated into Latin into the Christian Greek Scriptures repeatedly. When asked for the basis on which they took this liberty, they respond with a 50,000 word essay on why it makes sense even if no manuscripts have ever been located to the contrary. With that many words, they must surely be right...............
The Watchtower's Depiction of 'paradise'..
by Ron.W. inperhaps we could post the pictures the wt have presented in their literature that depict their version of paradise here for comment/discussion:.
from: spirits of the dead—can they help you or harm you?
do they really exist?.
If it can be imagined, WTC can illustrate it. I have said for many years that the illustrators drove the teachings about life in paradise. Magazine editors gave them a lot of leeway to imagine the outlandish - so they went over the top with outlandish scenes. Many of the scenes were not aligned with the teachings about the resurrected not marrying, simple living and the discontinuation of child-bearing as population grew. They were making it up as they went along.
Conspicuously missing are depictions of science other endeavors that would align with sustainable energy and construction. In THEIR new world, home building, farming and eating vegetables are the only things imagined.
Questions about demons, Jehovah’s Witnesses in Charlotte murder trial. The Charlotte (North Carolina) Observer.
by Balaamsass2 in8/20/24 "the charlotte (nc) observer".
questions about demons, jehovah’s witnesses in charlotte murder trial.
what do you think about demonic possessions?
Balaamsass2 - It is a proven fact that demons love to hang out in old style fuse boxes and walls with no insulation draft issues - PROVEN FACT! They also like any objects sold at yard sales, childrens toys and books. 🥹
Did I forget Smurfs? Also any vinyl record that can be played backward… oh yea, add wind-chimes and any song the Rolling Stones ever sang in concert. Likewise for the music of KISS and the Eagles. Those demons are a quirky bunch.
Don’t get me started on D&D…. My head may may spin right off and flip the TV on to an Amityville rerun.
Warwick sits on $70 billion?
by LaFrancia in70,000 real estate properties at an average value of $100,000 and perhaps we can say (no one knows for sure) that warwick sits on $70 billion in real estate value.
in the video (deleted by jwborg but available on the avoid.jw website) of the 2018-19 coordinators' committee report (english) shown to all congregations at the mid-week meeting, we find several curious and interesting indications:.
- at minute 6.52 seconds you see some data .
There is some speculation that the new Irish Asset Management Corps are an attempt to shield WTC from litigation as they streamline the monies going into and out of the coffers.
JeffT - can you comment on how their new scheme might work in this nanner? At first glance, these Corps don’t appear to be non-profits. What is the strategy if that is so? Are they divesting ALL $$ from WTC so that Bethels only get “donations” from the Asset Management Corps which would be tax deductible?
Reddit thread about Bethel Reducing Headcount
by LongHairGal inapparently, the downsizing is still happening and from what i read those let go are over 50!.
sad because these people expected to be lifers.
now they have to make their way in the world at an advanced age with no education or desirable skill!..
LHG - I hope my comment didn’t imply that “kicked to the curb Bethelites” deserved handouts from the rank n’ file - they do not - but many have that expectation as they are desperate and might otherwise be living on the street.
i have done my share of trying to soften the landing for the poor souls who mistakenly believed that WTC would always look after them.
Ray Franz received a separation settlement but it was not much, just enough to buy a trailer to live in. He refused to sign an NDA so WTC went after him even after he left. The brother who helped him financially found himself in the crosshairs as well. It was scorched earth treatment by WTC.
These days WTC does not want to hear of the hardships - they usually ignore cong letters describing the needs of those they “received” or even counsel them to be more generous helping them out. In some cases they actually told elders to counsel them to care for themselves. They are heartless.
i have known some and believe me, they were near panic as they tried to get on their feet. Despite bearing some of the blame, it is still heart wrenching to see this played out. WTC must fall.
Warwick sits on $70 billion?
by LaFrancia in70,000 real estate properties at an average value of $100,000 and perhaps we can say (no one knows for sure) that warwick sits on $70 billion in real estate value.
in the video (deleted by jwborg but available on the avoid.jw website) of the 2018-19 coordinators' committee report (english) shown to all congregations at the mid-week meeting, we find several curious and interesting indications:.
- at minute 6.52 seconds you see some data .
TonusOH - I think WTC is doing everything they can to make KHs a reliable revenue stream - but it is still not enough. More are fading and the only "new" ones coming in are born-ins. Eventually they leave also. The outlook for the Org is grim.
Then there is the occasional large settlement that must be dished out in cash. These seem to drive some of the targeted sales where the per/pub monthly expectation is raised beyond the reach of the cong. It is no coincidence that these KHs are worth more than the average. It should be a warning to any JW attending a KH that has a high net value. Eventually WTC may decide it is better to sell your KH, especially if contributions are falling below the limit.
For the foreseeable future, most KHs will continue to be monthly revenue stream, but some will be sold when the need arises. WTC surely has a calculation for determining whether or not an immediate sale outweighs the monthly rent paid by the congregation.
There are surely other considerations but Treasury NEVER shares any meaningful information with the rank n' file. They are the most insular dept in Bethel, never hitting the radar of anyone searching for information. If that dam ever breaks, it will be catastrophic, that's why Treasury Bethelites don't have to worry about being kicked to the curb. Even the smallest brain among them knows too much to risk having them spill the beans.
The new Assets Management group will reduce the mission critical status of Treasury, at least where real estate is concerned. This group will keep tabs on every statistic for every congregation and kingdom hall.
Reddit thread about Bethel Reducing Headcount
by LongHairGal inapparently, the downsizing is still happening and from what i read those let go are over 50!.
sad because these people expected to be lifers.
now they have to make their way in the world at an advanced age with no education or desirable skill!..
Left Bethel on my own - no escort out the door. Many old friends have been "re-assigned" in their late 50's. Most had no marketable skills and little to no savings. A few had family to lean back on but most had to hit the ground running - they have stumbled along trying to make a new life at the end of their life. It is all very sad and there is no hope that WTC will soften their landing.
A few are "awake" to WTC tactics, but many continue to trudge along hopeful that the rank n' file will help carry them - they just cannot cut the cord. This is the saddest thing I can imagine. Like a dog that is put out, kicked, screamed at and not fed, they stay at the door, unable to understand what they did wrong to deserve this.
Most were good people who deserved better and could have been successful without the mind-corrosive influence of WTC. But others were highly critical that I would dare to leave the throne of Kings. Their mental distress is deserved, but others are just tragically sad as they try to care for a wife, living from table scraps that they get from local JWs. I can only imagine how emasculating it must be for the men who cannot confidently provide for the wife they love.
I actually cried while I wrote this.
Warwick sits on $70 billion?
by LaFrancia in70,000 real estate properties at an average value of $100,000 and perhaps we can say (no one knows for sure) that warwick sits on $70 billion in real estate value.
in the video (deleted by jwborg but available on the avoid.jw website) of the 2018-19 coordinators' committee report (english) shown to all congregations at the mid-week meeting, we find several curious and interesting indications:.
- at minute 6.52 seconds you see some data .
It's about what I expected, and some very good comments as well. By my estimations, the average value of their real estate was closer to $150K, which totals $10.5 BIL.
No-Zombie - you are probably spot on, but WTC has a poor track record for market decisions going back notably to 2008 when they lost money in the derivatives market. I don't think that is necessarily the play by the new Irish Asset Management Corp though.
Five years ago, WTC had all the KHs appraised. Appraisals are only valid for a short period so clearly they served more than one purpose. (1) It helped them prioritize the ones they intended to sell. (2) It helped them establish their gross worth so that they could negotiate for lower interest rates to meet monthly expenses since donations were decreasing steadily, practically crashing during Covid.
I don't think they actually used them as collateral to trade against, but it is clear that in some cases, banks did own the building when ownership abruptly changed hands, indicating that a substantial equity loan was in place. The current criteria for a cong to keep their KH seems to include meeting a minimal financial donation each month. This suggests that the KH has been collateralized. One Cong that I am aware of, recently had their monthly "donation" raised by 1/3. They were unable to keep up and the KH was sold. I suspect that WTC was hungily eyeing it for sale and may have gotten an enticing offer that sealed the deal.
Vidiot - your comment is powerful IMO. WTC has feared losing their tax status going back to the Jimmy Swaggart days when his organization was pursued by the IRS. Losing charitable status is THE way to bring WTC down. If they were forced to pay taxes in the U.S., they would dissolve faster than a packet of Splenda in hot water. Solving the national debt problem will eventually force the government to scrutinize pseudo-religions like WTC. It may be the untapped frontier for much needed revenue that saves (or stalls) the dollar from collapsing.
JeffT - I would like to hear more about your thoughts on how many KHs may be collateralized. Can you weigh in?
Journeyman - excellent points to consider! I think your thumb is on the pulse of WTC. I am no prophet, but I think that Ramapo is DOA based on what I hear from those in the know. It is now a placeholder for donations until it is isn't.