The way I see it, we owe the organization. We owe public exposure to them for being the lying cheat that they are. Besides that, the only one who really owes you anything in life is you.
how do you feel?
does the society owe us for misleading us or do we just blame ourselves?.
imagine we were sold a pension plan that guaranteed us a certain return.
The way I see it, we owe the organization. We owe public exposure to them for being the lying cheat that they are. Besides that, the only one who really owes you anything in life is you.
part 7: resignation into the void .
the memorial was now past ... and the moment of final decision arrived.
i could no longer continue on being a jw, or at least serving in an appointed position of any kind.
Your personal story is a helpful inspiration.
i mentioned this topic on sleepy's thread but i'd like to have some input please from others on this board.
what i want to know is this: there are so many books available on the net that have been written by other ex-jw's who have been there and know the truth about the borg (other than rf).
what criteria do stores like barnes & noble and christian books stores use to stock particular book titles?
It is actually very easy to get books out of the library, at least in my town, without checking them out. I assume the JWs once they knew the book was there, stole it. I have ran several ads in the local papers and a few of the ads has made mention of CofC displayed for reading in the public library.
nevada commission ruled about half an hour ago not to give tyson his license.. dang, i was really looking foward to watching that fight.. oh, well maybe in another state..or country.. mav.-
Please excuse me if I have mischaracterized you. It appeared that you were defending Tyson's actions, or at least excusing them.
Tyson's charater IMO is one that is questionable. Tyson bit the ear of Hollyfield when Tyson was losing the fight. He lost his composure as a professional and brought another point of contempt to the sport of boxing by his actions not only in that fight, but on several other occasions while fighting and outside the ring.
He was accused and convicted of rape.
He was abusive to his ex-wife.
He cannot control his temper and uses language that is not appropriate for television when younger viewers are present.
You said that there were insufficient facts available to the public to make such a judgement, as far the things said about Tyson in this topic. I disagree!
Tyson's behavior in and out of the ring is dispicable and questionable to say the least.
Oh ya, did I mention that I used to box in Sacramento California with the Senior Amateur's who were turning pro. Someone who conducted themselves like Tyson has, would have been thrown out of the gym PHYSICALLY and not allowed to return. By his actions he gives boxing a new name, CIRCUS. The sport loses any sense of respectability with actions like the ones Tyson displays. Good day 14400_and_0ne.
i mentioned this topic on sleepy's thread but i'd like to have some input please from others on this board.
what i want to know is this: there are so many books available on the net that have been written by other ex-jw's who have been there and know the truth about the borg (other than rf).
what criteria do stores like barnes & noble and christian books stores use to stock particular book titles?
I have donated several copies of CofC to the local library, I started doing this in 1990. The reason for the continued donations was because they were continually being stolen.
I finally put an ad in our local papers sound off column explaining that this particular book has been lifted more than once from the library and if the person or persons responsible would please bring the books back. Ever since the ad was run, CofC has remained in the library. I was at the library last week.
1914 is not in any Bible. You can stop looking.
nevada commission ruled about half an hour ago not to give tyson his license.. dang, i was really looking foward to watching that fight.. oh, well maybe in another state..or country.. mav.-
I stand by what I said about Tyson. He carries himself poorly in front of the entire world and his actions speak for themselves.
The media has nothing to do with portraying Tyson for the way he acts in the ring and on TV. They just point the camara and Tyson does the rest. You excuse bad behavior and blame the media for Tysons tantrums.
Hopefully this is easy enough for you to understand.
nevada commission ruled about half an hour ago not to give tyson his license.. dang, i was really looking foward to watching that fight.. oh, well maybe in another state..or country.. mav.-
It is not what I have read about Tyson that I cast an opinion of the Neanderthal, Actually, I have read very little about him. It is the way he has carried himself in public and on TV that I arrive at my opinion of the jerk. You have assumed a source that you believe an opinion was drawn from me and that can be a dangerous thing. Think before you post.
the following was a letter that i wrote to myself several weeks ago.
i'm not sure what to make of this.
ok, tonight i went to my dance class.
Give it time. I am 44 years old and can relate to what you are going through at your age. I used to care what people thought about me to the point that I seemed to be in a state of panic. This was especially so when I was in school. Now, I don't give a rats rear end. It is a bad way to go through life worrying about how you look or act at any particular time in front of people. The more you learn to laugh at yourself, the more you learn to be comfortable with who you are.
nevada commission ruled about half an hour ago not to give tyson his license.. dang, i was really looking foward to watching that fight.. oh, well maybe in another state..or country.. mav.-
Stating facts about someone is not judging.