I got a laugh out of your last post to me.
Your post reekes with double speak. I think I will start a new topic on this.
since the wt organization claims "apostolic succession" who was it that passed the torch of gods spirit to c.t.russel when he founded the.
what denomination or faith?
I got a laugh out of your last post to me.
Your post reekes with double speak. I think I will start a new topic on this.
since the wt organization claims "apostolic succession" who was it that passed the torch of gods spirit to c.t.russel when he founded the.
what denomination or faith?
Its funny how the WT can teach two different things at one time and very few notice.
Salvation is only by being part of the WT organization.
On the other hand.
It is God who judges through his son Jesus Christ.
In other words, God jugdes through Jesus (BUT) you have to be one of us in order to be judged acceptable by God.
i suppose we all think of ourselves as unique and we are in so many ways.
what i fail to realize, i guess, is that we are far more alike than unique.
every now and then i will reveal some little fear or quirk or dream that i have only to find out that someone else has experienced the same thing!
Pathofthorns and Maxee, WELCOME!
i ran across this on truthsearcher.
i would appreciate anyone's thoughts on this.. __________.
who is the "alpha and omega" and the first and last"-jesus or jehovah?.
I am in no way asserting that the verse without the word [other] implies a Trinity of any kind. I myself would like to see what the original manuscripts actually said. From what I have seen on other Bible based sites, the Bibles we have, have all been written with a bias of some kind.
As for the word [other]inserted in the NWT, I believe this to be the bias of the WT.
just want to say how much i appreciate this site.
im addicted- i just cant help coming back every day.. ive been telling all my friends- this is the spinal tap of witness sites, the monty python for brothers.
so who are you guys really, bethelites preparing for the annual talent show, or do you actually work with the writing committee?.
You can stop squeeling like a pig now.
Keep posting, I enjoy your enthusiasm.
Who knows, maybe you will learn something.
since the wt organization claims "apostolic succession" who was it that passed the torch of gods spirit to c.t.russel when he founded the.
what denomination or faith?
Also, I have Jehovah's Witnesses in the Twentieth Century and saw the qoute. This seems to me a staement that does not coincide with what the WTBTS actually teaches. For instance, I have several qoutes from the Society that claims that outside Jehovah's organization there is no place else to go for salvation and true joy. If one does not have salvation in Christ, how can they be saved outside of that salvation?
Please see;
WT 9/15/1993,p.22
Our Kingdom Ministry 11/1990,p.1
WT 12/1/1981,p.27
It is obvious that those who are not JWs don't give a hoot who the Governing Body or annointed are. In that case, they who are not of our fold, or are not JWs are doomed in Armageddon. The brochure JWs in the 20th century contradicts what the WT actually teaches.
since the wt organization claims "apostolic succession" who was it that passed the torch of gods spirit to c.t.russel when he founded the.
what denomination or faith?
Beings we as Jehovah's Witnesses are the only true Christians as taught by the Society, that would mean that everyone outside our organization are from Satan. This is something I have had a major problem with. I am to assume because the Society teaches that those outside our fold are from Satan. My family who are not JWs, whom I love very much and are as moral and God fearing people as many in my congregation, I must say, because the Society tells me they are not one of us, they are from Satan?
Is it that all the Bible Students who still believe in C.T.Russells works and Russell himself as Gods messenger, the founder of our religion, is from Satan also. After all The Bible Students are not Jehovah's Witnesses. I know some Bible Students personally. Am I to tell them that because they follow the teachings of the founder of the WTBTS, they are of Satan. What does that make us?
hi, waiting, and all others concerned about this amicus brief:.
just to set the record straight - i have been a legal secretary for over 20 years, and i assure you there is nothing shady about the society filing an amicus brief in regard to this swaggart thing.
an amicus brief is filed in cases in which the verdict could set a precedent that would or could have an adverse affect on other parties not involved in the suit (i.e., other religious organizations, corporations, etc.).
Thank you for clarifying that. I wonder if I can file a similar brief so as to avoid my income taxes? Just a thought.
since the wt organization claims "apostolic succession" who was it that passed the torch of gods spirit to c.t.russel when he founded the.
what denomination or faith?
So if this is true that there were christians amongst Adventists and Baptists at that time, are you saying that the Society akknowlegdes that Christians are found also in other religions other than the WTBTS.
Or is this a bunch of double talk so as not to say what is really meant?
hi, waiting, and all others concerned about this amicus brief:.
just to set the record straight - i have been a legal secretary for over 20 years, and i assure you there is nothing shady about the society filing an amicus brief in regard to this swaggart thing.
an amicus brief is filed in cases in which the verdict could set a precedent that would or could have an adverse affect on other parties not involved in the suit (i.e., other religious organizations, corporations, etc.).
I was wondering, with the Societies 70 or so paid attorneys on staff, why did they not file a seperate Brief? Why did they choose to file a brief with Jimmy Swaggart ministries and take the chance of being associated with Christendom?