I know of an elder who was seeing a married woman with 3 kids while her husband was working. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out there was more going on then studying one of the Societies latest publications. To make a long story short, the elder ended up marrying the whore of a woman and they both have custody of the three kids. They are all JWs. The elder was never even reproved. There was a lot of back stabbing and lying involved against the husband.
What happened to the poor sap that was out working while his wife and MR Spiritual were playing games? He has not seen his kids for over five years. His son who was 6 at the time of their last conversation told his dad he was going to die in armageddon if he did not start going to the meetings and worshipping Jehovah.
I know this story all to well. The elder in question is my biological brother.