We should start a JW GLOSSARY!
Here's a few more entries:
GREAT CROWD. A group of people, numbering into the millions, who will survive the Almighty's wrathful execution of the wicked during Armageddon and live continuously from this world into the 'new world.' (Actually only 0.1% of mankind, so how great is that?)
OTHER SHEEP. Another name for above 'GREAT CROWD,' but specifically applied to those among mankind who are approved for surviving Armageddon, but who are not of the 'heavenly class' of anointed individuals who survive the execution to be transformed into spirit creatures and kings in another realm known as 'heaven.' (Which brings us to. . .)
THE ANOINTED. An exclusive class of people, numbering 144,000, who are preserved for life in heaven as kings and pries who will rule and judge with Jesus Christ for 1,000 years over the earth during its restoration to perfect order under the Kingdom of God. (Which brings us to. . .)
THE NEW EARTH. Formerly known as 'the New Order,' or 'the New System,' this is the Earth restored to its perfect state as pictured in the Book of Genesis's Garden of Eden, where the Kingdom of God will oversee the return of humankind living in balance with nature with complee regulation of authority by Yahweh.
THE NEW HEAVENS. Also known as the Kingdom of God, the governmental structure of heavenly rule over the new earth that (does what exactly?)
Wow, the more I try to define this stuff, the more it sounds like science fiction or fantasy reads.